Thursday, February 11, 2016

2.11.16 monster in my house

We have a baby monster in our house. She loves to empty cupboards and drawers then put her self in them. She loves to remove things. She will occasionally put a piece or two back but gets mad if we replace the items before she is done exploring. We found if we place heavy buckets in front of the drawers and doors she can't access the supplies inside. But then we move them or try to create a pathway and happily she is back exploring the cupboard again. This makes cooking a bit of an obstacle course but safer than her removing glassware and having plastic to slip on.

She also loves to play in drawers. If she can get her itty bitty fingers in the crack she opens the drawer and removes the clothes then has fun sitting in the drawer. She is so proud of her work!

I think the hardest part of a large family is the continual rewind. Always repeating the lesson and stages again and again. Trying to cover the base you already covered and remembering when instruction needs to happen and that these moments are just small phases and they will pass. Therefore- not banning everyone to out of doors because things are always out of drawers! Maybe this is why I gave up on folding clothes. I think I may be the only mom who doesn't bother with that. Oh well. I'm sure my children's spouses will judge me as lazy. Oh well. They will just have to live with their own baby monsters to learn why it is such a waste of time.

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