Friday, July 29, 2016

7.28.16 Freezing Corn

After a not so early morning picking session, it takes forever to get mopey teens out the door, and then some attitudes just begged for bean picking we took a while at the field and were later than hoped for getting home.  The van is so comfortable to sit in while shucking.

John wanted to try cutting the corn off the cobs. I told him he had to sharpen the knives first. He did a great job I used them to finish cutting up the green beans. It was so nice to slice so smoothly through food! 

Last night the mutual kids had slip and slide kick ball the pools ended up at our house. This was a great distraction for the little and big kids. It is hot here and we have never splurged on such items but they have made for lots of laundry and fun today.

I've mentioned before how  much we love our animals. They are especially helpful and eager to eat the waste of canning. They bellow for the husks and run for the cobs.

The best part of working outside with such a sticky starchy mess is the clean-up is all hose powered. And this year we had some extra helpers the chickens were excited to have fresh nib-lets to gobble up! We don't allow animals in the house but we are sure grateful for them outside. This cutting stand is marvelous!! Easy to stand and slide the cobs quickly into bowls below! We are so thankful for this contraption.

The kids did a great job with this project once we finally figured out a rythm and who was doing what we whipped through the corn. We had a few angel helpers this year that mostly just kept the kids on task shucking and cleaning up. Our friend who came last year has been asking for months to come help telling the kids he would be the shucking general. He is a great visitor who knows much about life and is a pleasure to spend time talking to. He even kindly worked with the boys in snapping the final bag of beans. Bless him.

I'm learning people like to have things to do, it helps them cope with their own loneliness, sickness, depression etc. While I hate to ask, I do so appreciate those we have allowed to work with us. Like I mentioned yesterday in the quote about knowing older people it has provided some priceless relationships for my children too! Like the song says there are angels among us it's just being savvy enough to realize they are there and not to stubborn to allow them in.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

7.28.16 Self Sufficiency Program

I finally got my letter and card today. At the end of school the district sent out notice that all school age children would be receiving an EBT card (like food stamps) for the summer so they could have access to food. I was sickened and upset. I fight so hard to stay off of government controlled programs and here again it was being thrown at my feet or down my throat. Now mind you it would be over 300 a month for my family. That is significant. But it is not worth the loss of my self-worth.
I laughed in my mind as I read the letter. The office it came from is the office of Self- Sufficiency. Really? Taking things you don't earn is self-sufficient? 

These pictures represent what is self-sufficient. Taking care of your stuff and doing your part in the family/world. Reed is re-stacking our shoe shelf after the trip, prior to a quick dip in the town pool. I try to teach the kids to earn rewards not just expect to be entertained. Harold is photo bombing- no one was hurt. 

It is picking more beans because you complain and because we eat them. Not that hard of work but it does get uncomfortable hence the reason it is work! (But seriously I am there too. Bent or crouched over my large belly- this baby really wiggles when I finally resume normal positions- but all is well and I can't expect the kiddos to work while I do nothing.)

The end product. Lots of beans means lots of movies to watch while you snap! YAY!!!

And ready for another year of eating. Not to hard took some time and took some learning and I guess self-discipline but not too hard.

Self-sufficiency is taking care of yourself as you can, and doing without if you don't put in a lot of effort not just getting it because others have it.

I would be remiss to not thank my dad for raising such beautiful crops, for my mother-in-law who works with my children teaching them to be pleasant and to keep going, to my mom for teaching me to can and preserve what is available, and to my kids for being kids who are able and who give me enough attitude to make me send them back out to pick. And yes I am cutting up the card and writing a letter to the lady who signed it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

7.27.16 What's Important?

We just got back from our annual vacation. This year was longer than usual because we had a special roommate reunion to attend. Being almost 8 months pregnant and camping for 2 days prior was not an ideal set-up but it all worked out thanks to my great kids and strong husband. 

The reunion in Wyoming was nice. It is good to feel the spirit of family and enjoy the unity of people trying to accomplish the same objectives of raising an eternal family. Even the camping part wasn't too bad all things considered. 
After the reunion we headed into Utah. We crashed at Greg's sisters house, which we were VERY thankful for! A real bed, a quiet room, and no children sleeping on or even close to us was heavenly. We cleaned up and prepared for a day in Utah. My oh my has that state grown since I was there last. And being the official birth of the state- Pioneer Day- commemorating the first Mormons arriving in the state it was CRAZY! We opted to watch a parade from home and visit. 
Afton managed to make it out the door and toddle over to the neighbors house where she knocked on their door crying. A county sheriff no less. We knew we needed to leave the state soon if we couldn't keep track of the baby. 

After Greg made contact calls to some family members who are near and dear to his heart, we quickly headed out to say hello. I had told him prior to leaving I wanted this to be a fun trip- one where we actually did somethings other people would call fun. Like visit some kid places. ...
This visit was special though. This is a well known lady whom we love and spent a lot of time with from our engagement on. She shared that her brother counted his growing up years in our town as his most special blessing in his life! She was one of the stalwart believers who kept praying for Greg to find a wife as he dated his way through his BYU experience. She has been most generous over the years approving of me as his final choice. 

Driving around the BYU campus the Sunday before we lamented not being able to sample BYU ice cream. Thus Monday we promised the kids a trip to the ice cream shop after the quick visit. The BYU creamery which was packed! We enjoyed many flavors of ice cream in leu of lunch.

After this we headed to Wal-Mart again to buy more shoes for the little girls who couldn't seem to keep track of theirs. Still no finders on the hot pink shoes they left home with.
We then headed toward SLC in vain hopes of a quick visit to the church history museum or at least the Christus.
En route we realized we would never make it so we meandered around and went early to my roommate reunion. It was hot and we were tired and sick of sitting in the cramped car.
Seeing these people my roommates, their husbands whom I had classes with, and other friends was worth the heat! 8 of these people were the main core of my college social group. There were others who couldn't make it but these ladies in the middle were major players in my college life. How thankful I am for each one of them and their families. It was again sweet to observe and feel of their vivaciou spirits and testimonies! It was awesome to see their mini-me's in their children. I wish I had a picture of the two Jon/John's they look so much alike. (My John and Jen's Jon.) It was precious evening spent with people whom I owe much of my life perspective to.

Displaying IMG_9123.jpg

As we drove away through the twilight of the Utah Valley I pondered the failure, yet again, of  not doing the standard "fun" things. We didn't make it to a single attraction. We made it to some different people's homes and had a lot of visiting. My kind roommate and host had provided a bouncy water slide which was a major hit, it was super fun for the kids.
As we drove through the night I wondered 'What is important?' Are we shorting our children of a good childhood by not ever going to common entertainment places? Will they be ok or resentful?
In all your arrangements for your children, try to make connecting with adults a higher priority than connecting with your children's safe-age peers or academics or after-school activities.  Prioritize your extended family and your close adult friends in the life of your child. If you have the opportunity to move close to your children's aunts, uncles and grandparents,do it. When you are planning a vacation, look for opportunities for your children to connect with her aunts,uncles and grandparents, You want to give your child a different perspective.  You want to connect her to your cultures.(From Memoriesoncloverlane blog, from book The collapse of PArenting by Leonard Sax.)
I realized that what was most important was what we did get done. The other stuff will still mostly be there in a few years and really wouldn't have made a difference to anyone any more than what we did. We always choose people over places or activities. I'm thankful for the many good people who share their time, love, and talents with our family. We are blessed by our associations.

We drove until we couldn't make it any further. Which ironically was our usual stopping place of Twin Falls. We have a lot of family there but being midnight and having made no arrangements- my phone was dead- and being all too familiar with kids woken up from sleeping in the car we opted for a hotel. It was a suite that fit us all and we had another good nights rest!

The kids enjoyed another hotel experience and the breakfast was top notch. After a nights rest and a better perspective on the whole trek we were completing I'm glad to say that the most important thing to us are the people in our lives.
We don't live in the grandeur of Utah and we have a lot less free time but we consciously chose this way of using our mortality. I told Greg as we drove  "The more I observed in Utah in college the more I wanted out. So I quickly finished college didn't date much and moved on." I'm thankful for the man I married and the life we have together. (I'm going to vinyl sticker that on my bedroom wall where I can see it all the time to remember when I'm frustrated with our life!)
I'm thankful for the shaping influence each of the special people we spent time with on Monday has had on my life. Great, smart, spiritual, strong, fun, and diverse women and men who have also made their lives in their own ways based on their talents and trials.

Vacations are so good at putting life back into perspective! And I for one am so glad to be back in my own home working another day on beans. Best to you today.

Friday, July 22, 2016

7.23.15 A nights work

People do a lot of fun things when the moon is full and bright. Sometimes it's dancing, other times star gazing, having a bonfire or snuggling close. We of course were out working although this was a not so happy surprise. I have no pictures because it was dark- them moon was late on the scene and wasn't much help.

We are always doing laundry here and I usually hang the last load between 10-30 and 11:30. I had the kids in bed or very close and was headed out to hang clothes when I noticed a large shape near my clothes line. After processing the image for a few seconds I realized it was a cow. Not a good thing.
I called to the kids to get re-dressed and shod and find some lights the cows were out. This of course set the cows off and the fun began.

Even though these are light colored cows the pitch black night made it nearly impossible to keep track of them. I drove the 4 wheeler only for light purposes and the kids on foot chased the cows around our home area. The last one in the pen tried to come joined the adventure while but Mark and I chased her back in. After a few trips around the pen 2 more joined her with just one stubborn or scared cow left. We made another 2 passes and got her in around 11:30. Harold and Greg got home just in time to chase her in and then we had kids posted at the holes while Harold and I raced off to find fence posts and the pounder. Of course the pounder was left on the farthest corner of the farm so he headed off to get that after dropping me at home. We got back in the house around midnight and went back to bed.

I would love some calm no catastrophe nights, the night before we were canning green beans and soaking Afton's burned fingers till our eyes couldn't stay open any longer. I admit having a swollen with love heart while watching or listening to my children work together herding those darn cows. I am thankful for all their opportunities to do hard things and be active. I really would love some just lazy time... I think. Maybe not cuz bored kids are fighting kids. Best to you today.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

7.14.16 Surviving summer

I started the summer pretty concerned about the forecasted heat. Thankfully it has not been terrible except for a few days. I remembered from my childhood eating a lot of popsicles the summer my mom was pregnant with my sister born in August. It was  a good memory sitting in the shade of our house enjoying rare treats with my mom. So this summer not to be one to waste good memories we have eaten popsicles. Although some times we switch it up with Fat Boys.

This night my parents showed up with a bag full of different kinds. Afton knows what things are and was thinking she was going to get 4 that night. I limited her to two. The chocolate chocolate ones are my new favorite.

There is a show on the cooking channel called "Unwrapped." They show how candy and treats are made. One of the shows was about Pace Popsicles. It was fascinating as are all the episodes but we have tried many new treats as a result of this show. However Pace Popsicles were really expensive so we have been waiting. They are on sale this week so Livy and I bought 2 bags. They are delicious!!
If they are on sale in your neighborhood they are really good!!

We were trying the 4 different flavors- Tigers blood, banana, root beer, and blueberry. I loved the tigers blood (strawberry coconut). Only draw back for little people there is not splitting it in half but I guess you could always eat some then give it to them.

A good thing we got in some encouragement that day because it ended with a lot of learning. The kids got called out to dig out a pivot at 6. The girls begged off quickly to go to mutual, the boys minus Harold, were out there till 10 literally scrapping the silt and clay off the tires and digging mud and water from the soaked tracks in effort to get the pivot to move from the swampy area. We got a lot of rain on Sunday causing the dirt to flow to this low spot in the field. It was quite a task. Although, they came in covered in mud- literally- they were so happy reporting the work they had accomplished. I never cease to marvel at the happiness that comes from really hard projects.

The girls because they refused to go back and help when they returned from mutual got to do chores and of course found a cold fence. So they spent some thinking time in the dark fixing the fence. They were not so bubbly but they were fine and the fence was hot and hopefully no chasing cows today. Phew!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

7.12.16 Work

 President Thomas S. Monson has said: “God left the world unfinished for man to work his skill upon. He left the electricity in the cloud, the oil in the earth. He left the rivers unbridged and the forests unfelled and the cities unbuilt. God gives to man the challenge of raw materials, not the ease of finished things. He leaves the pictures unpainted and the music unsung and the problems unsolved, that man might know the joys and glories of creation."... the exhilaration of being creative and the feeling of accomplishment that often accompany hard work bring happiness. (Happiness, Hanks, 2016)

These quotes were shared a few weeks ago by a return missionary. They were profound at the time but as the summer progresses and unfolds I'm struck at just how poignant they are on these new lives being lived in our home. 
Beans are in season! I must say only strawberries rival the tedium of picking green beans. Each individual bean, at ground level, being picked in the heat of the summer it's a chore that usually conjures up groans and sympathy from others. It takes a lot of beans to feed our family for a year. But as I keep reminding our children- there are a lot of us, no one is working at this huge task alone. This is not too bad if we all pitch in! And green beans are our go-to vegetable. 

And the best part of bean picking- why they love to sit on the piano I don't know- watching movies or in this case Andy Griffith DVD's while we snap and snap beans. Afton was way too much help transferring beans and ends from bowl to bowl or garbage. Each bean is precious if you have sweated for it and we guard them from mishandling as best we can. She was quicker and more persistent than we could be but she likes to help so we try to tolerate her helping hands.

The little girls managed about 1/4 of a bag each! I was happy they kept picking some here and some there. They were happy to eat the fresh green beans. My personal favorite part of picking the awesome goodness of the most fresh food. It is also good to listen to them tell stories and visit as we worked. They love to talk but I rarely have an hour to just listen. Probably the second best part of canning is the time just repeatedly doing the task. Lots of time to visit, sing, fight, think, listen to books etc. It's good to have busy hands but stationary or slow moving bodies.

Doing chores for a neighbor. The boys love livestock and gathering eggs is like a daily Easter egg hunt! They race to see who gets the most eggs. Then they quickly feed the ordered amounts to the chickens and cows.

A few weeks ago I woke up in a panic realizing back to school shopping was just around the corner and I have 7 children needing new clothes and shoes. That is a lot of bodies and more worrisome a lot of shoes. At least 4 of them are in adult sizes and there just aren't many under $20 deals for adults. With those worries fresh on my mind and prayers the month has unfolded many opportunities for earning money. Neighbors calling with chores to do, hay to be bucked and stacked, lawns to mow, and even some who wanted green beans for a family dinner.

Grandma Sue has repeatedly told the kids her goal for the summer is to teach them to be good employees. That is a HUGE gift. And these kiddos are learning those lessons. Be on time, do the job all the way till finished, be honest, work hard, be happy, don't give up. This farm has taught a lot of people to be good employees I'm thankful that my kids are also getting that lesson.

And the best part is as they have gone and worked for others or interacted with random people we are getting the comments: "You're kids don't fight. They are nice to each other. They didn't complain..." I can vouch otherwise, but I'm so thankful they are that way at least half of the time. They are getting the confidence of being capable, they are learning the importance of each sibling in accomplishing the task, and they are busy with bigger problems than petty fighting. Phew! Thank goodness God left so much work to do on this earth. He is good and in our work and toil is where we find some of our happiest memories.
Best to you today.

Monday, July 11, 2016

7.11.16 Millie birthday

Millie finally reached her birthday. It is so hard to wait and wait. She is pretty isolated from the other kids who are kind of stacked up in the early spring, may and late fall. It is so hard to wait! 
We had the Corn family over for cake and ice cream. Yay for a reason for 2 cakes, dark and barely chocolate!

Presents, the most anticipated part of her birthday.

Enjoying her bubbles and wearing her new John Deere shirt.

Afton always loves a party and stealing shoes. She's running away with one flip flop on. Matching shoes require constant vigilance nowadays. From too many people being almost the same size shoe to convenience to not caring where we leave them there never seems to be enough pairs of shoes for all the feet at our house.

Millie is a persistent helpful sweet girl. She battles to be big and loves to learn about the gospel. She delights in sharing her testimony and can be counted on to help when asked. She is the head egg cracker and the most wearing child because she will not let go of an idea once she gets it in her head.  We love our Millie and are so thankful she is in our family.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

7.12.16 More 4th

Most all of my years growing up we headed to the lake on the 4th of July for a fun day of relaxing and boating. This year was no exception but we did miss most of my family. This year due to odd illnesses, travel, and other plans we had the boat to ourselves. Thanks to my kind brother who has a large boat we were able to get plenty of water fun. We also spent a couple hours just sitting and visiting in a nice green park. 
Being busy people the chance to sit and relax was actually the best part of the day. Greg and I don't often just sit and relax together or even just sit together, so the opportunity to visit with my parents and grandmother and great aunt and enjoy the peace of nature was balm to our weary souls and stressed relationship.   An added bonus to the boating was a very comfortable sun shade and a temp drop to about 90 degrees. This was a perfect nice summer day where we didn't shrivel up and die. 

Harold knee boarding his smile was so big! He is strong and capable enough to even dance on the board while out there. So fun to watch my kids enjoy and master things I too loved as a kid.

Addie's first run! She was a success, of course, that girl can and does do anything she sets her mind to. Love her determination and grit. She loved the sweet taste of success!!

I felt like this when I got home that day too. Actually this was taken on a normal day. I trade John beds for naps. Being red heads they work early and late and so naps help make up for the lack of summer sleep.

And a nightly treat when dad is here shoulder rides. They bumpity bump, air plane, and visit as Greg meanders around the basement sharing some one on one time with the little girls. He still does push-ups each night but a shoulder injury last year makes him leery of adding extra weight. The girls love this time, sadly they grow fast and the ones who use to grace his shoulders are working on their own core strengthening. Time goes fast these days.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

7.6.16 Silo Climbing on the 4th of July

These 3 kiddos joined their dad, aunt Brenda and Uncle Matt on the 4th of July climbing the tallest blue silo to put up the american flag! We are blessed to have so many traditions to continue and choose from on holidays. Usually they don't conflict. They were climbing by 6 am to get the flag hoisted with the rising sun! My family were later risers and we don't start our get together till after 10. Giving us time to climb and go to the Vale ward breakfast then head off for the lake!

It's a long climb and I was a little unsure if Aliza could make it but they did very well and might have put their dad to shame. Age has a way of doing that.

Taking the flag down that night! They were pretty excited to be part of the big kid crew and spending time with Aunt Brenda!!

These guys had to wait at the bottom as they aren't old enough or strong enough to attempt it yet.

They were still able to smile as they ran home in a beautiful sunset on the 4th. John & Harold, Millie & Afton, and I were in town taking down the flags that were put up for the 4th. I love all the patriotic showings. I was disgusted that some rude people had stollen some of the flags that day but I still love to see them flying. Happy Birthday to America hopefully this will be a better year!