Wednesday, July 6, 2016

7.6.16 Silo Climbing on the 4th of July

These 3 kiddos joined their dad, aunt Brenda and Uncle Matt on the 4th of July climbing the tallest blue silo to put up the american flag! We are blessed to have so many traditions to continue and choose from on holidays. Usually they don't conflict. They were climbing by 6 am to get the flag hoisted with the rising sun! My family were later risers and we don't start our get together till after 10. Giving us time to climb and go to the Vale ward breakfast then head off for the lake!

It's a long climb and I was a little unsure if Aliza could make it but they did very well and might have put their dad to shame. Age has a way of doing that.

Taking the flag down that night! They were pretty excited to be part of the big kid crew and spending time with Aunt Brenda!!

These guys had to wait at the bottom as they aren't old enough or strong enough to attempt it yet.

They were still able to smile as they ran home in a beautiful sunset on the 4th. John & Harold, Millie & Afton, and I were in town taking down the flags that were put up for the 4th. I love all the patriotic showings. I was disgusted that some rude people had stollen some of the flags that day but I still love to see them flying. Happy Birthday to America hopefully this will be a better year!

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