Sunday, July 10, 2016

7.12.16 More 4th

Most all of my years growing up we headed to the lake on the 4th of July for a fun day of relaxing and boating. This year was no exception but we did miss most of my family. This year due to odd illnesses, travel, and other plans we had the boat to ourselves. Thanks to my kind brother who has a large boat we were able to get plenty of water fun. We also spent a couple hours just sitting and visiting in a nice green park. 
Being busy people the chance to sit and relax was actually the best part of the day. Greg and I don't often just sit and relax together or even just sit together, so the opportunity to visit with my parents and grandmother and great aunt and enjoy the peace of nature was balm to our weary souls and stressed relationship.   An added bonus to the boating was a very comfortable sun shade and a temp drop to about 90 degrees. This was a perfect nice summer day where we didn't shrivel up and die. 

Harold knee boarding his smile was so big! He is strong and capable enough to even dance on the board while out there. So fun to watch my kids enjoy and master things I too loved as a kid.

Addie's first run! She was a success, of course, that girl can and does do anything she sets her mind to. Love her determination and grit. She loved the sweet taste of success!!

I felt like this when I got home that day too. Actually this was taken on a normal day. I trade John beds for naps. Being red heads they work early and late and so naps help make up for the lack of summer sleep.

And a nightly treat when dad is here shoulder rides. They bumpity bump, air plane, and visit as Greg meanders around the basement sharing some one on one time with the little girls. He still does push-ups each night but a shoulder injury last year makes him leery of adding extra weight. The girls love this time, sadly they grow fast and the ones who use to grace his shoulders are working on their own core strengthening. Time goes fast these days.

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