Friday, July 29, 2016

7.28.16 Freezing Corn

After a not so early morning picking session, it takes forever to get mopey teens out the door, and then some attitudes just begged for bean picking we took a while at the field and were later than hoped for getting home.  The van is so comfortable to sit in while shucking.

John wanted to try cutting the corn off the cobs. I told him he had to sharpen the knives first. He did a great job I used them to finish cutting up the green beans. It was so nice to slice so smoothly through food! 

Last night the mutual kids had slip and slide kick ball the pools ended up at our house. This was a great distraction for the little and big kids. It is hot here and we have never splurged on such items but they have made for lots of laundry and fun today.

I've mentioned before how  much we love our animals. They are especially helpful and eager to eat the waste of canning. They bellow for the husks and run for the cobs.

The best part of working outside with such a sticky starchy mess is the clean-up is all hose powered. And this year we had some extra helpers the chickens were excited to have fresh nib-lets to gobble up! We don't allow animals in the house but we are sure grateful for them outside. This cutting stand is marvelous!! Easy to stand and slide the cobs quickly into bowls below! We are so thankful for this contraption.

The kids did a great job with this project once we finally figured out a rythm and who was doing what we whipped through the corn. We had a few angel helpers this year that mostly just kept the kids on task shucking and cleaning up. Our friend who came last year has been asking for months to come help telling the kids he would be the shucking general. He is a great visitor who knows much about life and is a pleasure to spend time talking to. He even kindly worked with the boys in snapping the final bag of beans. Bless him.

I'm learning people like to have things to do, it helps them cope with their own loneliness, sickness, depression etc. While I hate to ask, I do so appreciate those we have allowed to work with us. Like I mentioned yesterday in the quote about knowing older people it has provided some priceless relationships for my children too! Like the song says there are angels among us it's just being savvy enough to realize they are there and not to stubborn to allow them in.

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