Friday, July 22, 2016

7.23.15 A nights work

People do a lot of fun things when the moon is full and bright. Sometimes it's dancing, other times star gazing, having a bonfire or snuggling close. We of course were out working although this was a not so happy surprise. I have no pictures because it was dark- them moon was late on the scene and wasn't much help.

We are always doing laundry here and I usually hang the last load between 10-30 and 11:30. I had the kids in bed or very close and was headed out to hang clothes when I noticed a large shape near my clothes line. After processing the image for a few seconds I realized it was a cow. Not a good thing.
I called to the kids to get re-dressed and shod and find some lights the cows were out. This of course set the cows off and the fun began.

Even though these are light colored cows the pitch black night made it nearly impossible to keep track of them. I drove the 4 wheeler only for light purposes and the kids on foot chased the cows around our home area. The last one in the pen tried to come joined the adventure while but Mark and I chased her back in. After a few trips around the pen 2 more joined her with just one stubborn or scared cow left. We made another 2 passes and got her in around 11:30. Harold and Greg got home just in time to chase her in and then we had kids posted at the holes while Harold and I raced off to find fence posts and the pounder. Of course the pounder was left on the farthest corner of the farm so he headed off to get that after dropping me at home. We got back in the house around midnight and went back to bed.

I would love some calm no catastrophe nights, the night before we were canning green beans and soaking Afton's burned fingers till our eyes couldn't stay open any longer. I admit having a swollen with love heart while watching or listening to my children work together herding those darn cows. I am thankful for all their opportunities to do hard things and be active. I really would love some just lazy time... I think. Maybe not cuz bored kids are fighting kids. Best to you today.

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