Monday, July 11, 2016

7.11.16 Millie birthday

Millie finally reached her birthday. It is so hard to wait and wait. She is pretty isolated from the other kids who are kind of stacked up in the early spring, may and late fall. It is so hard to wait! 
We had the Corn family over for cake and ice cream. Yay for a reason for 2 cakes, dark and barely chocolate!

Presents, the most anticipated part of her birthday.

Enjoying her bubbles and wearing her new John Deere shirt.

Afton always loves a party and stealing shoes. She's running away with one flip flop on. Matching shoes require constant vigilance nowadays. From too many people being almost the same size shoe to convenience to not caring where we leave them there never seems to be enough pairs of shoes for all the feet at our house.

Millie is a persistent helpful sweet girl. She battles to be big and loves to learn about the gospel. She delights in sharing her testimony and can be counted on to help when asked. She is the head egg cracker and the most wearing child because she will not let go of an idea once she gets it in her head.  We love our Millie and are so thankful she is in our family.

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