Thursday, July 28, 2016

7.28.16 Self Sufficiency Program

I finally got my letter and card today. At the end of school the district sent out notice that all school age children would be receiving an EBT card (like food stamps) for the summer so they could have access to food. I was sickened and upset. I fight so hard to stay off of government controlled programs and here again it was being thrown at my feet or down my throat. Now mind you it would be over 300 a month for my family. That is significant. But it is not worth the loss of my self-worth.
I laughed in my mind as I read the letter. The office it came from is the office of Self- Sufficiency. Really? Taking things you don't earn is self-sufficient? 

These pictures represent what is self-sufficient. Taking care of your stuff and doing your part in the family/world. Reed is re-stacking our shoe shelf after the trip, prior to a quick dip in the town pool. I try to teach the kids to earn rewards not just expect to be entertained. Harold is photo bombing- no one was hurt. 

It is picking more beans because you complain and because we eat them. Not that hard of work but it does get uncomfortable hence the reason it is work! (But seriously I am there too. Bent or crouched over my large belly- this baby really wiggles when I finally resume normal positions- but all is well and I can't expect the kiddos to work while I do nothing.)

The end product. Lots of beans means lots of movies to watch while you snap! YAY!!!

And ready for another year of eating. Not to hard took some time and took some learning and I guess self-discipline but not too hard.

Self-sufficiency is taking care of yourself as you can, and doing without if you don't put in a lot of effort not just getting it because others have it.

I would be remiss to not thank my dad for raising such beautiful crops, for my mother-in-law who works with my children teaching them to be pleasant and to keep going, to my mom for teaching me to can and preserve what is available, and to my kids for being kids who are able and who give me enough attitude to make me send them back out to pick. And yes I am cutting up the card and writing a letter to the lady who signed it.

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