Tuesday, October 10, 2017

10.10.17 Farm bounty

Fall is an amazing time of bounty here in our valley. The onions, potatoes, apples, beets, grapes and garden produce are found in abundance. We were asked to come help with a clod problem. Or the kids were asked to come help. We were also fortunate to gather our winter storage of onions. This is big onion country and these did not disappoint. Livy showing one as big as her head!

A picture of some of the piles of clods they were battling through. Greg grew up picking clods so this a sort of right of passage to bearing the family name. The kids were willing and held their own I think. We did not bag those up.

Millie and her new picture pose the thumbs up. Love having older kids around to teach new skills. 

Our super photogenic stops to pose when he sees the camera big man Bruce. 

Picking apples and enjoying being a big boy!

Enjoying a final day of summer and water until next year!

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