Tuesday, October 24, 2017

10.24.17 Big help

I have never had a baby be so mechanical as Bruce is proving to be. He dismantled the handle on my vacuum very happily last week. If I wouldn't have been there I would not have believed he was so capable. He is now eyeing my dishwasher with similar curiosity. I am in for trouble as I have little mechanical desire and less organization to keep track of little parts. So far on the vacuum repair I have the spring, handle, and nut know if I could find the screw I could put it back together. Little monster/mechanic and look how pleased he is. Oh it's going to be a long toddlerhood I think.
He is also quickly outgrowing the baby stage. He is quick to push me away and refuse to look at me when dad is around. He is very sure of his masculinity and knows moms and girls are boring and dull. Poor kid. He loves his time with dad and brothers they do interesting worthwhile stuff like use tools and play with swords and drive machines. Power man stuff!

Afton is not one for sitting around either. She is insistent that she can do what the big kids do. She was eager to help greg carry the empty cooler to be put away. She too loves her dad and loves to be able to help him.

We are in a different stage now with no little baby and lots of bustling big bodies. The amount of energy in our home is overwhelming. While it may seem odd even third world the amount and kind of work we do here, it is not without some purpose. This energy left unchanneled breaks walls, beds, etc but channeled into outside endeavors creates more muscles, clear witty thinking, sense of self- confidence, and inner peace at being needed. I'm thankful we have a place and reasons to expend that youthful exuberance and thankful for the inner and outer strength they are developing as they learn to see things in reality not just imagination.

 A blessing of a big family is lots of ways to serve and learn because it takes a lot of work to keep us gong. From multiple loads of laundry a day, to piles of dishes, to lots of people to play with there are many ways to be of use and reasons to get out of bed. It makes my heart sad to help my teenagers understand why some of their peers are depressed even suicidal. Easier is not always best. When I question why life has to be hard and why we choose to live a more physical life my answer has been so we can grow as we develop more talents, faith, love, and humility.

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