Wednesday, October 11, 2017

10.11.17 Conference Weekend

We did the traditional stuff of eating donuts and enjoying family. We were overbooked and so we only gathered on Sunday to hear the talks. I was so thankful to find that GReg could stream conference at his shop and was able to hear some of 2 of the Saturday sessions. He had a big deadline and that was a help to be able to hear and work at the same time. He is really enjoying the ability to listen to more than talk radio at his shop. I'm surprised whenever I go there and hear pleasant piano music in the background. It really makes the shop a classy place!
 We enjoyed some quality time sushing, rearranging seating arrangements, wondering why we demanded the kids listen, and mostly just filling one space with lots of restless bodies. 

Cousins came from far away to help us with some cow sorting and selling. 

Bruce enjoyed all the outside time. He loves outside and is a whiney boy when forced indoors. It may just be a really long winter. He loves that his brothers are so willing to include him in their work.

We played hooky and worked cows. MAny hands make light work... well most of these hands came
to my house to play while the older ones and uncle sorted through the herd. We made popcorn balls for the ride home, well for now as it happened. Because who can resist gooey popcorn in front of your face?

My girls. All unique, they don't all look alike and they definitely have their own personalities and blessings they bring to our family. We are so thankful for each dynamic dynamo in our home. No Millie was not driving but she sure would try if they would let her.

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