Monday, October 23, 2017

10.22.17 John

John was ordained to the office of Deacon on Sunday by Greg, Lloyd, Bruce, Bishop Paul and Uncle Bryce. It is awesome having so many teenage kids in my home. they are funny, witty, helpful, boisterous, insightful, and enjoyable. John is in the stage of giving great hugs. He truly appreciates recognition and quietly methodically works until a job is done- if he knows it will be checked. If he thinks no one will check/care then he doesn't either and pursues his own interests. He is smart and has a kind although fierce heart. He plays hard he dreams big and he thinks deep. I am excited to continue to watch and guide his growth this is another step in that process.

I get to work with John on occasion. this was one for the books. Cleaning the trailer after much use this year. Most recently holding 3 wild cows overnight while they calmed down, before releasing them into new pens. Hence the need to shovel and shovel fresh and old manure. I was sure glad to have some help even if that help accidentally slopped manure and squirted hoses on my feet. We got the trailer clean until the next time.

The night of his birthday was prepped way ahead of time (to ensure success and a peaceful evening). I had apples cooked to mush into sauce and dinner in the oven cooking when they got home. After a quick start on the applesauce GReg arrived home to get some in heat cows moved to the bull. The first animal loaded so nice I thought for sure we were in for a quick evening. Well that said cow was crazy when we got the other cows almost in the trailer. She was jumping the middle section bawling and scary to them. So off they ran in many directions quickly jumping any and all fences and getting far away from the crazy cow and the mad people. We spent the next 2.5 hours chasing those sane cows and cussing ourselves for not dumping the first looney cow at the farm.
All in all cooler heads prevailed, thanks grandma Saunders, and everything got loaded after I dumped off the in heat cow at the farm then came back to get the three other cows. We overnighted them in the trailer because cows let off in the dark don't care or know where fences are and these were so excited they needed to calm down and chill.
In that dark chilly night as my family worked together hy-ahhing and sss'ing the cows into the trailer we were together. My heart swells with love and pleasure when we all work together, and flares with anger and frustration at the short tempers and name calling that are part of the experience. The little girls were in the van happily playing starfall and driving. Bruce wandered around in there too occasionally getting out to be held for a while then getting back in while cows were chased. I love that we share life together. We came home to a done dinner and yummy birthday treat. We shared what we like about John and we got to bed. It was a typical family night for us. Ups, downs, all arounds but back together in the circle of our family working it out teasing and praying. The circle of family life is significant and real. We just keep working around and around all the while staying together through the good and bad. I'm so thankful for my family.

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