Thursday, October 26, 2017

10.26.17 Some days are sticky

The quarterly awards assembly happened this week. Because it happens right after school starts I take the kids to school that day. They were not happy about sleeping in a bit and riding with mom instead of the bus. The grumped and complained all morning long. Kids have a special way of appreciating moms. We endured the assembly Aliza is now at 8500 points in reading mark hit 1500. They both made the honor roll. 
A sidenote this past parent teacher conference session was the first time all my school kids received good reviews. It was almost fun to visit with the teachers. For that brief moment we were almost problem free on the school front. A few small hiccups we had been working through for the weeks prior but all in all doing ok. This took 10 years of school to get one all ok report. The rest have been filled with frustrations, tears, anger, and confusion about how to get through road blocks, how to make kids care, how to help, how to back off, and how to parent and not let parenting crush my self-worth. 

I returned home with very tired kids. They don't get up that early, thank goodness and while they were tired they were not giving in to sleep, just crying. So we sat and snuggled and read some stories.
Then the little guy wandered off and got into the honey bucket.
He's crying because he is sticky and tired not because I administered any kind of reproach. All I did was hold him away from me as he was literally covered in honey and took some pictures. This is equal to counting to ten in parenting finesse!!

Can you see the steps of honey? Thankfully it cleaned up pretty easily. Scraped it then dawn dish soap in hot water we were honey free! I was trying to make bread for the family and left the lid off the bucket because I was hurrying to get it done while kiddos cried. Not my best cooking. 

I have been amazed how much I was able to get done when relief society president. It is harder to get service into my schedule now that I am not under a calling mantel. It has been an interesting experience to try to go at what was my normal life alone. The bread got made the kids got held and I did go help people move for 3 hours that night. My mother in-law has taught me a lot about moving others. She is a genius at organizing people and getting large, hard projects done in a timely manner. I am so thankful for her teaching and assistance. We got at least 50% more done because she was there. I got a call toward the end relaying the information that Millie was sick at home. That was not enticement to go home. However, we finished the move and headed home in time to hold Millie while she puked, again. We (Aliza and I) got kids through the nighttime routine of scriptures, prayers, teeth brushed and in bed. And sweet Bruce took a swig of rubbing alcohol for a night cap. Flooded him with fluids, and he made it through the night peacefully as did Millie. Here's to hoping for a better more peaceful day today. Each day is a new adventure, thank goodness there aren't many firsts just repeats of things I'd rather not revisit but are part of life nonetheless. 

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