Wednesday, October 25, 2017

10.25.17 A weekend

We decided to go ahead and get Aliza's braces. She was excited until the reality of moving teeth came to her knowledge. Now she's not so sure this was a good idea. 
Because we don't get past our guard mountain that closes in our small town often we decided to make a full day of getting braces. We dropped her at the orthodontist and went shopping. We found some cute dresses and a shirt for Livy. We went back to get Aliza now full of metal and headed to the temple. She did work inside while we walked/ran/cried/ explored outside. 

The very observant grounds keeper noticed the girls and suggested they could go in the temple just to look. They were overjoyed. We very quietly went in the double doors and observed the artwork and white clothed workers. The girls were sure they were angels, as they had asked earlier if angels were in the temple. It was special moment and so generous of him to offer.
LAter that day we went to the Meridian temple open house. That was a zoo. The kids were anxious to see it all quickly and after so much time in the car they were ready to move. Meridian is a large temple so the many steps were no problem for them. Bruce was a handful and I was very thankful to hand him off after a flight of stairs. We ended the evening with a rare visit to the Golden Corral. The kids had a great time all teh gummy bears and chocolate dipped strawberries they could handle.

The next night we headed back to the city to see the BYU ballroom dancers perform. It was lovely and inspiring. Livy got to pose with two lovely ladies as she had to go to the bathroom prior to the show. My friend suggested grabbing a shot I was so thankful for her encouragement as Livy loves to show this picture. She did well sitting through an hour and a half show.

Pre-show. Harold being a teenager.

The next day was FFA auction day. Anna is an officer and leader and conscientious young lady. She took this first batch of baked goods to the car and hurried back in the house to get the next load. While gone the chickens attacked the brownies and cinnamon rolls. We had to repackage what we could salvage and be quicker closing doors and keeping them away. The auction was a success. When we got home the door was opened and we again found chickens in the house. YUCK. They had made some more messes and it was then I demanded the farm kids get them some ground corn or else! Since the return of the grains the chickens have been less apt to attack the people food.  Changing of the seasons is a wakeup call to the need to hand feed the animals again. And so the time passed and we drove hundreds of miles more and we lived and learned. It is a great experience of endurance and industry that is now marking our days. I love having big kids/young adults in my home!

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