Monday, October 30, 2017

10.30.17 Holding on

This past week my oldest two have been gone on a trip. They are severely underprivileged teenagers who do not have cell phones. That's on purpose! Yet I was very limited in my ability to talk to or hear from them. That made me sad (but did not change my opinion they don't need a cell phone). However I got a surprise call from them half-way through their trip. While it was so heartwarming to hear their voices it also made me very sad. I realized again how fast they are approaching independence and how hard that is for me. I love having kids in my home. I especially love these interesting quirky teenagers. So after my much appreciated phone call I realized I needed to just love and appreciate the ones that I had here. So we sat and read, snuggled, tickled and took selfies. I am blessed to not go through the growing up stage alone. I Still have a more than full lap and I am grateful for that. 

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