Wednesday, January 31, 2018

1.31.18 Book Worms

We are the carpool for cub scouts. Yesterday Harold had an appointment to finish a merit badge at the big library in a neighboring town. The kids were so excited to go to the library. One little scout heard they were going to the library and said "Why would you be excited to go to the library?" Anna turned to him and said "In our family we like the library!"
Yes we do! All night I had a semi-quiet house with kids deep into their new books.

However we also love to play and visit with cousins. This little one is a fun experience.

These silly girls are always coming up with fun and games. One of Anna's friends cleaned our her closet and gave them to the little girls. 

One day they arranged the chairs  and pretended to watch monster trucks on TV. (We have never watched monster trucks on TV or movies.) They provided the loud!! sound effects it was a boisterous exciting time at our house. 

Livy also styled an earphone and cellphone holder for her imaginary phone with pipe cleaners. So even though mom is totally oblivious and distracted this month their imaginations are going strong. Thank goodness kiddos are so resilient.

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