Thursday, March 1, 2018

3.1.18 Chess

As I sit waiting in semi-peaceful quiet another weekend is quickly approaching. Each one is full of movement, transport, food, and activity. A sampling from last weekend. 

Why boys would want to leave perfectly warm homes and go test their courage and endurance in places like this I will never understand. Yet each time they return home the report is the same: they had a great time! John reported he slept in a cave and found it to be very cold. He woke around 1 am and attempted to revive the fire. After an hour of smoking wood it took and he stayed huddled close for the rest of the trip. All part of the making of a man.

The younger middle ones at home attended a chess tournament. We are not serious chess players here but the kiddos wanted to try their skill and luck. The room was dead quiet and I only dared take one picture amidst such deep concentration.

Reed came away a happy camper with a medal for something. He's the only one that got one from our family. He learned a lot the kids rubbed shoulders with some smart competitive players and had a fun outing away from home without mom. Anna was a helper and so she chauffeured them over and back pretty nice to have another driver.

Well taking a deep breath and preparing for the many ways we will go this weekend. I'm thankful they are healthy, willing, curious, and industrious. These traits and habits make for interesting people and adventures. Happy weekend to you

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