Saturday, March 31, 2018

3.31.18 REsident artist

We have an artist in residence. She works hard and long creating pictures to put on the wall. She has recently been found crying that she can't draw high heels right and that she is no good. Yet with some coaching she moved on an corrected that problem. 

One days she branched out to watercolors and did pretty well.

I still prefer her crayon and marker girlsk. I love that their arms are expressing feeling,t his was pre-high heel concern. She pointed out one girl is holding her scriptures. This artist loves the gospel and her Heavenly Father.

And her ever fun selfies. She is a tender heart who notices a lot and thinks even more. I love her persistence and willingness to develop her talents at this age.

Friday, March 30, 2018

3.30.18 Birthday Picnic

We celebrated spring today. We headed to the Owyhee a long standing tradition that has been hard to maintain these past few years. However the colors and distance from work, cell service and the like was as always rejuvenating and rewarding. 
After starting a true boy scout marvel fire the kids headed for the river. And of course were quick to dip their toes in and encourage the abundant fishermen to move on. 

Lunch was an abundant fare of hot dogs, chips, capri suns with a few pork n beans and veggies thrown in for good measure. We are a little bit unique adding BLT's to the menu as my grandfather did not enjoy hot dogs. Good for us bacon sandwiches are always good.

It is hard to get away, it is harder to give permission to relax. Yet it is good to take a short break and breath some different air. So thankful for this habit instilled so many years ago and that finally we were able to walk away from work at home and get away.

Friday, March 23, 2018

3.24.18 Mugged

We hurried to Ontario to get Harold and a friend to their first drivers ed driving appointment. Alivia was my buddy to help run errands while we waited. While I was unloading the grocery cart trying to fit everything in a lady approached me with a paper package and said "You've been mugged. It's something I do every time I go out. Have a great day!"
I was a little surprised. I admit I really don't even know what she looked like. She was older with gray/white hair and seemed nice. I looked at the package and showed Livy. There were bubbles, a candle, a decorative plate and napkin, a mug, a handmade card, and some candies. 
What a surprise! What a thoughtful random act of kindness. 

Livy demanded we get peeps as easter is coming up and she was the only kid with me I caved. She was equally happy with the bubbles which lasted all the way home.

I ate one of the kisses. It was yummy!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

3.22.18 Dad and his Kids

Dad's kids love to sit on his lap whenever he is home. Added bonus homemade french fries to share.
Blowing on them they were hot out of the pan.(Bruce sitting on my lap as I type is saying Dahh!! And blowing his hands in memory)

Bruce has shifted from mama's boy to daddy's. He hugs Greg tightly and refuses to be removed by me. Dad is patient sharing his good with these hungry hippos.

It has not been a stellar parenting week. This was Monday Reed's 8th birthday. Not one picture of Reed exists from this day. I worked all day making his requested menu items. Crepes with apples and vanilla pudding for breakfast. Ice cream sandwiches (homemade) for his class of 25. Delivered still frozen and ready to enjoy by hungry kiddos.
Dinner was burgers and fries. We ate about 10 lbs of potatoes that night and then dived into onion rings. It was good a homey feast of fried food. The house was a disaster of Monday night homework. The air was thick with fun and frustration of school situations that had developed during the day. I was confused where to \apply parental attention....ever weary of helicopter parenting yet not wanting the kids to be in over their heads. We made it to bed by 10 and that was the day.
The next was a little better we got a family home evening of sorts in finally and beds up for all kids by the responsible hour of 10:45. The harmony of working together starting some order and studying and talking about Christ made Tuesday a bit better.
I read a quote by a prophet that said the answer to where is their a safe place to raise children in these last days is gospel centered homes. Man I hope so because the barrage of problems and conflicts is real and heavy and the reality of training lots of people to have manners, obedience, cleanliness, and testimonies is daunting. Sometimes I think we are doing well and sometimes I fear we fail greatly. I'm thankful my clock is still ticking and the final measure is not required today. Because the check-ins or check-ups on our progress have been anything but satisfactory this week. Yet the reality of mortality is another day, another chance to pick up the multitude of pieces and move on to the next stop in the road.

3.22.18 OBOB

The OBOB team day of competition photo credit of mom. THese kiddos are competing in an academic challenge. The state board of librarians selects 16 books for the year and releases the list in June. The students have from June to March to read and study those books becoming experts on content, language and themes of the book. They are asked in depth question on any of those books given 15 seconds to respond. This is a tough competition this year especially as at least 5 of the books have various language dialects used often, the kids have to pronounce the words correctly. 

My bookworms love this challenge and obviously 16 books is a weeks worth of reading for them so they read them up to 7 times in preparation. Then the real study begins breaking the book down into themes bookmarking specific details and in general becoming very familiar with those books. They do not sacrifice their other reading time they still manage to be top readers reading a plethora of other books and doing farm work, house work, and school work. 

This has been a great mental exercise. To really analyze and then quickly recall the books has sharpened their recall powers and lengthened their ability to remember.
In addition,  Aliza has traveled long distances with her friends and enjoy fun weekends away from home. John while second highest scorer in preparing for the contest was not so much in his element. In every picture he is glum and reserved...It took awhile to notice this. And now John is no longer on the team due to some hasty decisions on his part and ensuing consequences. Let's just say we are learning a lot here. Digesting habits and trying to keep our chins up and move on.

Being a mom of multiple children it's hard to enjoy one's success while another struggles and sabotages self. It is very hard to meet all the needs and understand what is best or enough for each. In addition with keeping up with the general busyness and trying to make sure each is busy enough, well it's easy to get VERY tired.
I'm so thankful for spring break. For the automatic reset that happens. For not having to send them out everyday. It will be hard to send them back with state tests for the month of April. We will keep evaluating and rolling I can't and don't want to yank them and take on all their education myself.

John Obob award. Aliza 9500 point award she was 168 points from 10000 on monday. To put in perspective the 7500 that separates her from her highest classmate is representative of about 700 books.  She also got the 4.0 award finally an A in math. Mark honor roll and math high score for his grade he is a whiz and loves math. Addie reading achievement the first student her teacher has ever had to get over 200 points in a quarter. She doubled her max reading points for a quarter and is in hot pursuit of Aliza. She also got a pursuit of excellence award.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

3.13.18 Field Trip/ Career Day

For a while now Anna, Aliza and Mark have been scheduled to attend a bull sale. The girls really enjoy working at them and Mark just loves all things bovine! Well before they left I got a text offering a once in a lifetime experience of attending a sheep shearing. 

My grandfather loved sheep. A lot! He dreamed of owning sheep but could never really make it pencil. He got my siblings interested in 4-H sheep projects. We thought about that here but with the abundant presence of coyotes figured we would have limited luck. My niece however, LOVES sheep too. Oddly enough today was career day for her at school. A whole day of presentations by people explaining their careers. She was bored and not interested in lawyers or medical people or parole officers. For her animals and sunshine are the components of a fulfilling life. 

Not quite sure how she got an official cane she was just using her hands but somehow when it was ending for us, she and John both had canes in their hands and were working sheep up the alley.

We got to be about as close as we wanted. Touching the sheep as they patiently waited. The kids are looking in the sheering barn. Missing from these pictures is the blaring loud rock music. Not roucous more like a party. I explained to the kids it was to help the workers keep going and to keep steady. The music was not overly fast just fun and encouraging.

Bruce was very curious! Becca was not so interested in Bruce but allowed Addie time holding her.
All the kids were brave and touched a sheep or 20. They were impressed how soft they are. The sheep didn't mind the kids at all. They are so much more friendly than cows.

Fleece collectors behind the girls. The sheep come through a gate on top onto the sheering floor the fleece when cut goes through a lower door out to the workers who pile them then they are compressed into 450lb. bales sent to South Dakota to be graded and then distributed to make whatever needed. Things like my favorite wool socks!

Sheep come out those doors when done.

That's good because those hardworking men and women planned to sheer 800 sheep today alone. On top of the 800 yesterday and 500 the day before. And another two or three days of 800!

The sheep are pretty docile not baahhing or really even wiggling. I think they might like the relief of taking off the wool coat and getting rid of the dirt and bugs that are trapped there. The shearers are from Australia and New Zealand. Some use a hook suspended from the ceiling to help hold their weight as they bend and lift sheep all day. This is hard work!! The herders are from another country as well. We smiled a lot and as we watched.  We also witnessed the massive white guard dogs. They were not people friendly. They barked a lot and kept their distance.

It was an eye opening experience to witness so many sheep in one place. There were another couple thousand on a hillside above complete with lambs. This flock will lamb in a month or so. Thankful for thoughtful siblings who share learning experiences with us. It was good to spend some time with cousins enjoying the beautiful early spring day.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

3.10.18 Trouble

Yes this a picture of trouble. Tool trouble. Little boys that are too busy being big. Little boys that bear much watching and still destroy!

Yes Bruce is using the electric toothbrush to bore holes in my walls. Oh the sweetie pie. He sneaks the power drill out of the tool drawer every day and lugs it around loving the weighty feel of power in his hands. He is constantly trying to unscrew things with screw drivers he carries around and now has crossed the boring pretend line into actual home destruction. Oh the joy of a boy! That was taught by his sisters who were mimicking the Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer Burl Ives movie which depicted the elf who did not want to make toys but wanted to be a dentist. They would use the headless brushes to work on each other or doll's teeth. He modified that game and is now drilling the walls. I need warmer weather FAST!

Friday, March 9, 2018

3.9.18 4-H

One of the draws of doing fair is participating in a 4-H club. We have been to 2 meetings so far and I think it's a unanimous positive. The first meeting offered free pops. The second meeting held officer elections. On the way there Addie offered that she would like to be secretary. I told there they have to be able to spell and write nicely. She can do both. Elections were first order of business although no results were shared until the end. 

The leaders specified the secretary is a very hard job probably the hardest. Keeping up with the flow of the meeting and making sure people can understand what you record. Addie's friends nominated her and she accepted. The selecting went on and John declined a nomination for secretary. Phew his handwriting is atrocious. John and Mark were also nominated for treasurer and reporter they declined. John was again nominated for Sargent at Arms, he accepted. His group of friends from school had decided to vote together so he won against two girls who are self-proclaimed "bossy people, just ask my sibling!"

It was enlightening to watch the kids interact and choose their leaders. The president is on the far right. Vice in black and red. Addie is the lone girl and youngest. But that little go getter recorded the notes on the way home, came and got right on the computer and got them typed up nice and neat and sent to the leader. Copies are ready for the next meeting and she is prepared as always! I think John's good humor is a great fit for meeting coordinator. Excited for this opportunity for them. 

The group.

As I listened to the job descriptions and wondered at Addie's resolve I realized maybe the one thing the kids are gaining living here is the courage to try. We aren't planning on all wins this year (although there have been quite a few) but you can't win if you don't dare to try.

Anna was again in a mad dash to pull together competition materials but because it was a team event a teammate balked and said it was too much and they had better just watch this year. Anna was discouraged knowing that learning by doing is so much more beneficial.

Aliza was in the library yesterday and some boys were roughhousing. Their actions were threatening to knock over bookcases! She stood up and called their attention to the fact they were still in the library in her commanding voice! The boys immediately snapped to attention and stopped.
One of these same boys, the class sweetheart, finally met his reading goal of 60 yesterday. He joyfully exclaimed his pleasure at doing so. Aliza sitting next to him looked up from her book and said "I have 680."
 He said "I was up really high now I'm only a little high. All those books in one quarter?!"
 Yes. Oh my Liza loves to deflate people. We are working on that.

Monday, March 5, 2018

2.6.18 Bow shoot

Well the bows were finished and the boys were anxious to try their skills. They did well and had a great time. Crossing paths with other archery enthusiast and learning more about the sport. We don't' do much with hobbies here so this was a rare glimpse into another world for HArold. He had an enjoyable time with his friends. 

The bows and handmade arrows. In between working the boys practiced some more here at the farm. We have hay bales to practice hitting. A great day for Harold.

3.5.18 Family Work

On Saturday I would have written we had the best weekend working together. Sunday morning Anna told me this weekend has been the best! By Sunday night it had tanked to a disaster and I just got in from putting calves back in their pen that we had adjusted to work on our project perspective sure changes as the hours pass. 
We are on the brink of getting 8 little pigs to raise for the fair. We were given some prime fencing supplies. New supplies rarely come to this spot of earth and this a most generous gift. We began friday cleaning the ara we might use for the new pens. I had originally planned 4 pens but after more conversation with people that know We are working towards 2 pens that could be subdivided as needed. With all the cleaning and sorting we made two large  bonfire piles. We lit them at dusk and the kids had a good time adding more and more weeds to make them flare up. Some grass that grows here was awesome when added the fire would ascend over 5 feet and shine brightly as it burned. We had lots of weeds to burn, it was a pleasant evening. I see why people just sit around camp fires it's restful and hypnotic. 
Addie wanted to roast marshmallows. Alas we had no large marshmallows, Addie called her dad to request he bring some and we waited. While waiting the weather changed to snow/hail.

So we improvised and made s'mores in the oven. Which are actually superior as the marshmallows are perfect and the chocolate softens. YUM! (Broil for 3-5 minutes)
The next day we were back at it. Setting posts and pounding t-posts. WE also dissembled other old pens and rearranged the old layout a bit. I have never built fence. But I do know it's supposed to be straight, level, tight, and secure. With that limited knowledge the kids went to work. They do know how to build fence and are much stronger than house mom. It was encouraging to watch them work. It snowed again. John and I set the first post Anna and Reed the second. Mark worked on a third. 

The day quickly changed from white out snowing to beautiful sun and mud! Harold brought a friend home and we welcomed the added man power.

By dusk we were pretty close to contained pig pen. We had worked hard I had spent hours out there with my kids, Aliza graciously stayed in the house and held the little ones who weren't feeling well. She also made a delicious dinner. It felt really good to have observed and shared this experience with my older kids. I rarely do that as my place is usually in the house with the little ones, or going to get supplies. It was so nice to have all the supplies here ready to use.
The night was wrapped up with some quick stories and cuddling there was a great spirit of unity in our home on Saturday.

However our enthusiasm melted as the pen was checked by the boss and was found lacking in more than one way. So we will take it apart and fix the problems. Problem #1 cow pen is fixed for the time being with the addition of food and water hopefully the calves will stay in till the help arrives.
So I sit here wondering what was I thinking? Why did I sign us up for more work? The experience Friday and Saturday were great! I'm hoping that more of what follows will be the same. I do love this family of mine and strive too much to keep them growing and challenged. So I'm cleaning the house while I wait for school to end. The amount of mud tracked in is mind-boggling.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

3.1.18 Chess

As I sit waiting in semi-peaceful quiet another weekend is quickly approaching. Each one is full of movement, transport, food, and activity. A sampling from last weekend. 

Why boys would want to leave perfectly warm homes and go test their courage and endurance in places like this I will never understand. Yet each time they return home the report is the same: they had a great time! John reported he slept in a cave and found it to be very cold. He woke around 1 am and attempted to revive the fire. After an hour of smoking wood it took and he stayed huddled close for the rest of the trip. All part of the making of a man.

The younger middle ones at home attended a chess tournament. We are not serious chess players here but the kiddos wanted to try their skill and luck. The room was dead quiet and I only dared take one picture amidst such deep concentration.

Reed came away a happy camper with a medal for something. He's the only one that got one from our family. He learned a lot the kids rubbed shoulders with some smart competitive players and had a fun outing away from home without mom. Anna was a helper and so she chauffeured them over and back pretty nice to have another driver.

Well taking a deep breath and preparing for the many ways we will go this weekend. I'm thankful they are healthy, willing, curious, and industrious. These traits and habits make for interesting people and adventures. Happy weekend to you