Monday, March 5, 2018

3.5.18 Family Work

On Saturday I would have written we had the best weekend working together. Sunday morning Anna told me this weekend has been the best! By Sunday night it had tanked to a disaster and I just got in from putting calves back in their pen that we had adjusted to work on our project perspective sure changes as the hours pass. 
We are on the brink of getting 8 little pigs to raise for the fair. We were given some prime fencing supplies. New supplies rarely come to this spot of earth and this a most generous gift. We began friday cleaning the ara we might use for the new pens. I had originally planned 4 pens but after more conversation with people that know We are working towards 2 pens that could be subdivided as needed. With all the cleaning and sorting we made two large  bonfire piles. We lit them at dusk and the kids had a good time adding more and more weeds to make them flare up. Some grass that grows here was awesome when added the fire would ascend over 5 feet and shine brightly as it burned. We had lots of weeds to burn, it was a pleasant evening. I see why people just sit around camp fires it's restful and hypnotic. 
Addie wanted to roast marshmallows. Alas we had no large marshmallows, Addie called her dad to request he bring some and we waited. While waiting the weather changed to snow/hail.

So we improvised and made s'mores in the oven. Which are actually superior as the marshmallows are perfect and the chocolate softens. YUM! (Broil for 3-5 minutes)
The next day we were back at it. Setting posts and pounding t-posts. WE also dissembled other old pens and rearranged the old layout a bit. I have never built fence. But I do know it's supposed to be straight, level, tight, and secure. With that limited knowledge the kids went to work. They do know how to build fence and are much stronger than house mom. It was encouraging to watch them work. It snowed again. John and I set the first post Anna and Reed the second. Mark worked on a third. 

The day quickly changed from white out snowing to beautiful sun and mud! Harold brought a friend home and we welcomed the added man power.

By dusk we were pretty close to contained pig pen. We had worked hard I had spent hours out there with my kids, Aliza graciously stayed in the house and held the little ones who weren't feeling well. She also made a delicious dinner. It felt really good to have observed and shared this experience with my older kids. I rarely do that as my place is usually in the house with the little ones, or going to get supplies. It was so nice to have all the supplies here ready to use.
The night was wrapped up with some quick stories and cuddling there was a great spirit of unity in our home on Saturday.

However our enthusiasm melted as the pen was checked by the boss and was found lacking in more than one way. So we will take it apart and fix the problems. Problem #1 cow pen is fixed for the time being with the addition of food and water hopefully the calves will stay in till the help arrives.
So I sit here wondering what was I thinking? Why did I sign us up for more work? The experience Friday and Saturday were great! I'm hoping that more of what follows will be the same. I do love this family of mine and strive too much to keep them growing and challenged. So I'm cleaning the house while I wait for school to end. The amount of mud tracked in is mind-boggling.

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