Thursday, March 22, 2018

3.22.18 OBOB

The OBOB team day of competition photo credit of mom. THese kiddos are competing in an academic challenge. The state board of librarians selects 16 books for the year and releases the list in June. The students have from June to March to read and study those books becoming experts on content, language and themes of the book. They are asked in depth question on any of those books given 15 seconds to respond. This is a tough competition this year especially as at least 5 of the books have various language dialects used often, the kids have to pronounce the words correctly. 

My bookworms love this challenge and obviously 16 books is a weeks worth of reading for them so they read them up to 7 times in preparation. Then the real study begins breaking the book down into themes bookmarking specific details and in general becoming very familiar with those books. They do not sacrifice their other reading time they still manage to be top readers reading a plethora of other books and doing farm work, house work, and school work. 

This has been a great mental exercise. To really analyze and then quickly recall the books has sharpened their recall powers and lengthened their ability to remember.
In addition,  Aliza has traveled long distances with her friends and enjoy fun weekends away from home. John while second highest scorer in preparing for the contest was not so much in his element. In every picture he is glum and reserved...It took awhile to notice this. And now John is no longer on the team due to some hasty decisions on his part and ensuing consequences. Let's just say we are learning a lot here. Digesting habits and trying to keep our chins up and move on.

Being a mom of multiple children it's hard to enjoy one's success while another struggles and sabotages self. It is very hard to meet all the needs and understand what is best or enough for each. In addition with keeping up with the general busyness and trying to make sure each is busy enough, well it's easy to get VERY tired.
I'm so thankful for spring break. For the automatic reset that happens. For not having to send them out everyday. It will be hard to send them back with state tests for the month of April. We will keep evaluating and rolling I can't and don't want to yank them and take on all their education myself.

John Obob award. Aliza 9500 point award she was 168 points from 10000 on monday. To put in perspective the 7500 that separates her from her highest classmate is representative of about 700 books.  She also got the 4.0 award finally an A in math. Mark honor roll and math high score for his grade he is a whiz and loves math. Addie reading achievement the first student her teacher has ever had to get over 200 points in a quarter. She doubled her max reading points for a quarter and is in hot pursuit of Aliza. She also got a pursuit of excellence award.

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