Thursday, March 22, 2018

3.22.18 Dad and his Kids

Dad's kids love to sit on his lap whenever he is home. Added bonus homemade french fries to share.
Blowing on them they were hot out of the pan.(Bruce sitting on my lap as I type is saying Dahh!! And blowing his hands in memory)

Bruce has shifted from mama's boy to daddy's. He hugs Greg tightly and refuses to be removed by me. Dad is patient sharing his good with these hungry hippos.

It has not been a stellar parenting week. This was Monday Reed's 8th birthday. Not one picture of Reed exists from this day. I worked all day making his requested menu items. Crepes with apples and vanilla pudding for breakfast. Ice cream sandwiches (homemade) for his class of 25. Delivered still frozen and ready to enjoy by hungry kiddos.
Dinner was burgers and fries. We ate about 10 lbs of potatoes that night and then dived into onion rings. It was good a homey feast of fried food. The house was a disaster of Monday night homework. The air was thick with fun and frustration of school situations that had developed during the day. I was confused where to \apply parental attention....ever weary of helicopter parenting yet not wanting the kids to be in over their heads. We made it to bed by 10 and that was the day.
The next was a little better we got a family home evening of sorts in finally and beds up for all kids by the responsible hour of 10:45. The harmony of working together starting some order and studying and talking about Christ made Tuesday a bit better.
I read a quote by a prophet that said the answer to where is their a safe place to raise children in these last days is gospel centered homes. Man I hope so because the barrage of problems and conflicts is real and heavy and the reality of training lots of people to have manners, obedience, cleanliness, and testimonies is daunting. Sometimes I think we are doing well and sometimes I fear we fail greatly. I'm thankful my clock is still ticking and the final measure is not required today. Because the check-ins or check-ups on our progress have been anything but satisfactory this week. Yet the reality of mortality is another day, another chance to pick up the multitude of pieces and move on to the next stop in the road.

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