Friday, March 9, 2018

3.9.18 4-H

One of the draws of doing fair is participating in a 4-H club. We have been to 2 meetings so far and I think it's a unanimous positive. The first meeting offered free pops. The second meeting held officer elections. On the way there Addie offered that she would like to be secretary. I told there they have to be able to spell and write nicely. She can do both. Elections were first order of business although no results were shared until the end. 

The leaders specified the secretary is a very hard job probably the hardest. Keeping up with the flow of the meeting and making sure people can understand what you record. Addie's friends nominated her and she accepted. The selecting went on and John declined a nomination for secretary. Phew his handwriting is atrocious. John and Mark were also nominated for treasurer and reporter they declined. John was again nominated for Sargent at Arms, he accepted. His group of friends from school had decided to vote together so he won against two girls who are self-proclaimed "bossy people, just ask my sibling!"

It was enlightening to watch the kids interact and choose their leaders. The president is on the far right. Vice in black and red. Addie is the lone girl and youngest. But that little go getter recorded the notes on the way home, came and got right on the computer and got them typed up nice and neat and sent to the leader. Copies are ready for the next meeting and she is prepared as always! I think John's good humor is a great fit for meeting coordinator. Excited for this opportunity for them. 

The group.

As I listened to the job descriptions and wondered at Addie's resolve I realized maybe the one thing the kids are gaining living here is the courage to try. We aren't planning on all wins this year (although there have been quite a few) but you can't win if you don't dare to try.

Anna was again in a mad dash to pull together competition materials but because it was a team event a teammate balked and said it was too much and they had better just watch this year. Anna was discouraged knowing that learning by doing is so much more beneficial.

Aliza was in the library yesterday and some boys were roughhousing. Their actions were threatening to knock over bookcases! She stood up and called their attention to the fact they were still in the library in her commanding voice! The boys immediately snapped to attention and stopped.
One of these same boys, the class sweetheart, finally met his reading goal of 60 yesterday. He joyfully exclaimed his pleasure at doing so. Aliza sitting next to him looked up from her book and said "I have 680."
 He said "I was up really high now I'm only a little high. All those books in one quarter?!"
 Yes. Oh my Liza loves to deflate people. We are working on that.

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