Friday, March 30, 2018

3.30.18 Birthday Picnic

We celebrated spring today. We headed to the Owyhee a long standing tradition that has been hard to maintain these past few years. However the colors and distance from work, cell service and the like was as always rejuvenating and rewarding. 
After starting a true boy scout marvel fire the kids headed for the river. And of course were quick to dip their toes in and encourage the abundant fishermen to move on. 

Lunch was an abundant fare of hot dogs, chips, capri suns with a few pork n beans and veggies thrown in for good measure. We are a little bit unique adding BLT's to the menu as my grandfather did not enjoy hot dogs. Good for us bacon sandwiches are always good.

It is hard to get away, it is harder to give permission to relax. Yet it is good to take a short break and breath some different air. So thankful for this habit instilled so many years ago and that finally we were able to walk away from work at home and get away.

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