Tuesday, March 13, 2018

3.13.18 Field Trip/ Career Day

For a while now Anna, Aliza and Mark have been scheduled to attend a bull sale. The girls really enjoy working at them and Mark just loves all things bovine! Well before they left I got a text offering a once in a lifetime experience of attending a sheep shearing. 

My grandfather loved sheep. A lot! He dreamed of owning sheep but could never really make it pencil. He got my siblings interested in 4-H sheep projects. We thought about that here but with the abundant presence of coyotes figured we would have limited luck. My niece however, LOVES sheep too. Oddly enough today was career day for her at school. A whole day of presentations by people explaining their careers. She was bored and not interested in lawyers or medical people or parole officers. For her animals and sunshine are the components of a fulfilling life. 

Not quite sure how she got an official cane she was just using her hands but somehow when it was ending for us, she and John both had canes in their hands and were working sheep up the alley.

We got to be about as close as we wanted. Touching the sheep as they patiently waited. The kids are looking in the sheering barn. Missing from these pictures is the blaring loud rock music. Not roucous more like a party. I explained to the kids it was to help the workers keep going and to keep steady. The music was not overly fast just fun and encouraging.

Bruce was very curious! Becca was not so interested in Bruce but allowed Addie time holding her.
All the kids were brave and touched a sheep or 20. They were impressed how soft they are. The sheep didn't mind the kids at all. They are so much more friendly than cows.

Fleece collectors behind the girls. The sheep come through a gate on top onto the sheering floor the fleece when cut goes through a lower door out to the workers who pile them then they are compressed into 450lb. bales sent to South Dakota to be graded and then distributed to make whatever needed. Things like my favorite wool socks!

Sheep come out those doors when done.

That's good because those hardworking men and women planned to sheer 800 sheep today alone. On top of the 800 yesterday and 500 the day before. And another two or three days of 800!

The sheep are pretty docile not baahhing or really even wiggling. I think they might like the relief of taking off the wool coat and getting rid of the dirt and bugs that are trapped there. The shearers are from Australia and New Zealand. Some use a hook suspended from the ceiling to help hold their weight as they bend and lift sheep all day. This is hard work!! The herders are from another country as well. We smiled a lot and as we watched.  We also witnessed the massive white guard dogs. They were not people friendly. They barked a lot and kept their distance.

It was an eye opening experience to witness so many sheep in one place. There were another couple thousand on a hillside above complete with lambs. This flock will lamb in a month or so. Thankful for thoughtful siblings who share learning experiences with us. It was good to spend some time with cousins enjoying the beautiful early spring day.

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