Thursday, July 26, 2018

7.26.18 Teenagers

We are blessed to have several teenagers in our home. They are so vivacious. This week we were able to attend the temple with them. Harold had pushed for the outing and ultimately made it happen. After a much delayed dinner I was hungry! We headed to the Olive Garden which is rare for us -- after an unfortunate morning sickness episode puking down the freeway while the car slowed to a hurried stop,  we did not go there for over 10 years I made it home just fine last night. Nonetheless it was so good to share the time listening and observing these 4 stooges with my husband by my side. 

I really love the teen years. The kids are finding new talents and abilities, they are interesting, and funny, they are friendly and independent it is such a joy to be around them 80% of the time. I love the boy girl dynamic as they keep each other honest and open. I love the uniqueness of each of their personalities. And I love hearing about their adventures. They are insightful and sassy (from their mom) and I was thankful that Greg could watch them in action too.

I think I'm kinda like our chickens who cluck and coo and cry out when they lay an egg. I feel the same about these lively kiddos and how they are turning into the people we prayed and hoped they would for so many years. It was another golden summer night. Lots of laughing and listening. It's easy to talk with teenagers once they get talking we just listen and nod, and pay the food bill. But honestly we are blessed to have them in our home and look forward to the up and coming group that is closely following on their heels.

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