Thursday, September 20, 2018

9.20.18 Memorable days Hocoming

And the big date. We had so many conversations about this date. I really want my kids to develop a well rounded social skill set. They seem to be doing well with that, better than I did probably. I told Anna I wanted her to go on 3 dates in her year of being 16. 2 down 1 more to go. It's been surprising to hear/watch how dating has changed and yet stayed the same. 
She decided to ask a boy from her school. We googled creative ways to ask and in the end Harold helped her narrow down the asking method to what her date liked. Basketball.
She asked by giving him a paper with a basketball on it stating "I'm hoping not to miss but taking a shot asking you to homecoming." 
We waited anxiously for his reply.
I was so thankful for technology that she could send me pictures the next day of his creative answer. 

At the beginning of the week she was scrambling to find a couple to double with. Apparently times have changed and a lot of people choose to go stag to the dance. She found a couple then two to double with. I hurried and pressed buy now on her amazon selections and hoped that they would all arrive on time. As the week progressed we also picked up some jewelry, make-up, hair supplies and some boots from a cousin. I'd forgotten how many pieces and parts it takes to go to a fancy party.

The week was crazy full of meetings, activities, and homework. Finally on Friday the group got together and ironed out the date plan. I had offered earlier in the week to cook for the kids to make the date less costly. They ended up going bowling and then eating or I should say snacking on dutch oven dinner. Grandma Sue had forewarned me they wouldn't eat much. She was right. But the kids all said thanks and it was delicious. 

After a quick pit stop to change clothes, do hair (thanks to Aunt Alena for her quick assistance) and make-up the kids got back together for some mom pictures. That's one thing about these formal dates  lots of mom pictures. I can't imagine how long people spend taking the pictures that show up on facebook. Greg was appalled that parents were any part of the date. I did go take 3-4 pictures but then really wanted to melt into the wall. Although I was thankful the kids and parents were all on the same page I didn't need or mean to be a spy.

Trying to figure out how to pose.

Got it figured out. He was such a gentleman opening doors, pulling out chairs for her to sit in I was impressed and thankful she let him.

They headed to the dance which was held outside and had a great time! She was late coming home but reported they really enjoyed just visiting after the dance. That was my hope that they could comfortably talk and be together as a co-ed group having a pleasant time. Mission accomplished! Again thankful for families raising and teaching good kids. By the time we finally got to bed that night I was thankful it was over and excited for the next round. Life is good in the fast lane, and safe with rules.
 The next day it was awesome that Anna's date was the one blessing the sacrament and the entire group was at church, no regrets or bad memories.  Greg finally met him after church and was impressed. The kids might have been  a bit short on sleep and ready for a nap but were also filled with some new confidence for successfully navigating some new social experiences.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

9.19.18 Gathering in the Harvest

While the big kids were at school playing on Friday, the younger ones were home working/playing hard. Harvest season is upon us and we are definitely filling our tummies and shelves with another bountiful harvest. We generally have Fridays off because have a longer school day and after two full weeks the kids needed a break. I checked with the teachers and after learning they were just oing to read all morning decided that was not a needful right now as some one-on-one instruction at home and some different activities. 
The kids improvised hats from zucchini leaves. 

The best part of garden harvest is munching. Tomatoes and cucumbers are abundant and ready to enjoy. Our basil plant was gorgeous and smelled divine. Addie showing her harvest here.

Tomatoes, watermelons, beets, honeydew, crenshaw, peppers, cucumbers all those hours of planting, hoeing, and watering is paying off in a big way right now.

Another major task for completion was tree removal. Our awesome uncle Justin came and gave two trees a major reduction. Bruce was more than happy to co-pilot the four wheeler as it moved pile after pile of branches to the burn pile.

There was an even bigger pile in the front of the house. But with muscle, instruction, and perseverance the job was done by Saturday the big guys got the major branches and the little girls and grandma cleaned up the remaining leaves and sticks.

And finally after months of waiting and waiting the new chickens started laying! 21 eggs Reed found that day. Now to deal with and figure out which ones are old and which ones are new. I fear another chicken disposal adventure is in the near future.

Monday, September 17, 2018

9.17.18 HOCO week continued

Wow school has sure changed. For all the bad press teenagers get and all the warnings and scary talks parents are subjected to in the media and trusted sources there is still a tremendous amount of good and fun in these tempestuous years. Last week was homecoming spirit week. The theme was the wild west and the spirit days were easy (meaning mostly to be found in your existing closet). The end of the week was class competition day. From syphon tube setting, to literally finding a needle in a haystack, to tug of war which all my kids competed for their class in (they love this competition). To a quick draw there was something for everyone. I really love the heart of school or school leadership that thought carefully about how to involve so many diverse kids. They rounded out the day with a community assembly recognizing many farmers/grandparents of the student body. The kids read a short bio/appreciation speech to their grandparent and then escorted them up. The awareness of others is refreshing, again in the face of teenagers are just self-absorbed monsters talk that is usually the case.

Here's Harold's team pulling. It's all about heart! Photos courtesy of Mrs. Steele via facebook.
Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

Yes those long lines int he back are Aliza's.
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, crowd and outdoor

Her head encouraging classmates. The freshman won many of these competitions. They showed the school who they are and that they have arrived as serious competition.
Image may contain: 5 people, tree and outdoor

Black and White day.
Image may contain: 2 people, including Amanda Saunders, people smiling, people standing

Why is this in my closet day. Why no hand over the face here? He only wore the suit for counting and picture then changed into decent man clothes. PHEW.

And Anna ready for another busy day. School and FFA. She has spent a lot of time these past few weeks working on the FFA foundation auction that is coming up the weekend before the baby is due. We rarely talk to her, just text about what's next and give her a plate of food and some water and she runs out the door to the next activity. She is doing well and developing some fine talents and confidence.  Honestly this is one of my favorite pictures of her so captures who she is right now.

Image may contain: Amanda Saunders, smiling, standing

So our two families collide and divide. It's good to grow and do so much and tiring. I smile as I think of the fun memories they are creating and cry a bit that they are so grown up. I know I have lots still here and I'm trying to adjust to teach and do with who's here don't just wait for an entire unit, as we really are all here only to sleep and for minutes at a time. So with that new realization and goal we move forward with a new game plan and praying lots and thankful for communication methods that I can kind of peek at what my older kids are up to. Life is good and we are blessed by kids doing real things with good people learning, serving, and becoming capable of great futures.

9.17.18 Normal days

We continue to live in two or 4 or 11 different worlds here. We have the at home crew whom we are diligently working with each day to educate. Millie is an easy homeschool kid as she asks for school, remembers well, and generally wants to learn. She is doing very well.

 Afton is not to be left out and is working at her level on writing and sounds. She is sure becoming a sassy pants. She has a quip for almost any situation and loves to talk back with her hands on her hips.

And we decided to try some potty training with this big guy. We do what we can stand meaning till I get tired of the checking or cleaning up, or the big kids need to be picked up or are home.  Then he gets his demand of a diaper back on. He's actually doing pretty well and could finish up if I had more energy.

Partners in adventures and exploring they are buddies.

Mark had the pleasure of attending a merit badge workshop with this good friend last week. They learned about riffle shooting and enjoyed the cabela's store. My kids are blessed with lots of opportunities thanks to the generosity of other parents.

Of course the highlight was the guns well maybe the free fudge. I sincerely instructed him to go easy on the fudge or he would be sick. HE obeyed and only had some. Now these great scouts just need some hours shooting and they will be good to go.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

9.13.18 Long weeks

School has been going long lately. When fridays are included there seems to be no break in the school schedule. Thus we needed a break something happy to look forward to from all our mental exertions.  Before school started Livy and Millie listened to the book Matilda read-aloud by KAte Winslet on youtube. It was fabulous. Reed and I read the book, I wished I could do more british accents. Thus we were all familiar with the infamous chocolate cake. This weekend seemed like a great reason to try that very chocolate cake. 

 Although we had plans to watch the movie and rest the kids ended up bucking the light grass hay bales while Addie and I finished the housework and made dinner. We enjoyed the cake and still hope to see the movie before winter.

I was relieved when I picked up Livy from school that she was smiling. She had earned these funny glasses for good behavior. She had also earned a pop and some chips for math practice done at home! She was pretty thrilled with her week. Thank goodness because we have had a few nights of her crying herself to sleep and intermittent tears throughout the evening before bedtime many evenings with her.

Unfortunately the garden is all coming ripe and there is no one here to pick it but the deer. Occasionally there is time between homework studies to go get some of the produce. THis was the big watermelon the half weighed over 20lbs. It was delicious!

We've had a few more since and there is nothing so yummy as to enjoy fresh crisp watermelon while unwinding form another stressful day. Love these hard working kiddos who in the midst of hard things still find ways to smile and help each other progress. Mark has taken LIvy under his wing reading to her on the bus and working with her on some math skills. I appreciate his willingness and patience with her. Life is good.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

9.12.18 High School

The big kids have not left the scene here, they are just busy with activities. Thus the only pictures I get nowadays are those from facebook. I do know what's going on with them and I'm pretty pleased with who they are and what they are doing.
This week is spirit week at the school. The first day was come as your favorite meme. They chose some favorites, printed then taped or pinned them on their shirts, and headed to school to count their classmates to document which class had the most school spirit.

Image may contain: one or more people and people standing\\\

Aliza's- I've found a 100% foolproof way for preventing sunburn, stay inside and read books.
Anna- You can dress like a farm girl but can you work like one?
Harold various automotive quotes.

More class competition with the annual dodgeball tournament the Junior girls won bragging rights for the year! Harold worked to get a team together last minute. He rounded up enough for a team they were out after one game but he got more kids to participate than were ready at the beginning of the tournament. I love his drive to compete and include others. We talk a lot about the secret of high school - show up and be present. They all had a good time and came home smiling. This is an intense tourney and the bragging rights are huge.

Then was patriotic day. A rare smiling photo of Harold.

And then to end the most recent activities there was the random drug test of all students involved in clubs. My three were called up then called again because they FAILED! Really.
I thought it was a usual teenager gotcha but no they were serious all three failed.
Reason- poppy seed muffins their favorite this morning. I had specifically instructed Aliza to make blueberry muffins, but poppyseed is quicker and cooks faster so that's what she went with. And alas they all three stood in front of the principal together as she quizzed them calmly on why they, surprisingly, all failed. Another memory for the books. They can still go to activities. Not sure if they will have to re-test or not. Glad their reputation doesn't match the obvious results. Some days....

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

9.11.18 Canning crew

One of the hardest parts of starting school in August is the crush of work that still remains at home. I was left to my own resources which included this crew!
The peaches were ripe and so the pealing was easy. These kids had watched the older kids and done a little along the way but this day they were the main workers. They did great! Those 21 quarts we got are some of my proudest of the year. 

Bruce really liked his job of squishing the water out of the peels.

He and Afton have developed a very bad habit of sleeping with Greg and I at night. This started when school started and I am ready for it to END! our bed is barely big enough for five. Compounded with my growing body and the need to rotate often sleep is becoming more and more sparse. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

9.10.18 Bruce the Barber

Bruce has found a new skill he likes to brush his sisters hair. Currently he's hanging onto mine while he jumps on the bed. Little monster. 
He is more kind with sisters.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

9.8.18 Family Reunion

We were fortunate to be able to attend the 2018 family reunion. All the people you see in the pictures are 1st cousins. We had a guessing challenge and found there are 34 kids 6 and under with 4 babies immediately on the way. 

We started the day with a trip to the temple. 10 kids in the baptistry. Conner was able to baptize them all then got baptized himself. They had great time and it was a easy ice breaker.

The adult group did 2 sealing sessions. It was so enjoyable to be in temple as a family. A truly inspiring experience.

The second activity of the day was boating/swimming at the lake on the snake river. This spot has a nice little sheltered area and if the weather had been 10 degrees warmer it would have been much more inviting. Nonetheless kids and water always mix and they got plenty wet. One upside to cold water is kids weren't swimming but they were more prone to roam the parking lot so Greg and I spent a lot of time watching kids and other boaters to make sure no one got squished. 

Some got pushed in and thus were daring enough to swim some. John is pretty fond of water and had a great time.

The teenage boating crew. Uncle Colin is a saint to work with so many novice watersport kids on one day. Harold of course protecting his identity lest someone recognize him.

Waiting for pictures. The kids all have a resemblance though few dead ringers for twins.

 Surprisingly there was little crying until we tried for a picture with no moms or dads. There's never a shortage of opinions and direction on how best to organize a group of almost 60 kids for a picture. Precious though even is squalling because they grow up and ar replaced by another who is not sure of being 15 feet from mom and dad. 

The younger groups have lots of friend possibilities. Aren't these guys cute? They are so fun. The school gym was the perfect place to turn them loose after church and a yummy lunch.

My beautiful Aliza and me with my buddy Bruce ever present always harvesting his own meal and the good part of mine to make sure he gets enough.  Between being largely pregnant and him I'm a bit smothered in love as of late.

The serving crew. The school cafeteria was just right for hosting our crowd. As alway the food is plentiful and delicious at a family reunion. But moreso it is comorting to visit, feel of the love and shared goals, and to rejoice in the friendships bonded through common experience and testimonies of life and hereafter. These are good people, a treasure trove of help, wisdom, and comfort that are enormous blessings as we go through this parenting experience. I'm thankful for each. Being the second oldest couple I've been around long enough to watch a lot of them grow from kiddos to adults. I'm thankful for there examples and assistance through the  years. And yes I know all the names of the about 80 that make up our family currently. They are all people with unique talents and struggles and each adds more sparkle to our family. I am blessed on both sides to have great people to work through this life with.