Thursday, September 6, 2018

9.6.18 A New Reeder

This last weekend was full of canning and trying to get summer put away so we could focus more fully on the school year. I was short onie of my best workers but when I found these scenes I was not too bothered. I have been waiting fro years to find this guy engrossed in a book actually reading the words not just studying the pictures and making up his own story. 

He is highly motivated by the tokens system his teacher uses. 50 per book he completes and passes the test with an 80 or higher. He read 4 books this weekend and passed 3 tests. That's pretty big for him. He is a good example and mentor to his younger brother who was similarly engrossed in his birthday present book. I feel like I can breathe and see the sky again. It has been an intense two years getting Reed to this point but maybe just maybe we have finally crossed into independence and he will be able to fully enjoy the vast world of words.

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