Thursday, September 20, 2018

9.20.18 Memorable days Hocoming

And the big date. We had so many conversations about this date. I really want my kids to develop a well rounded social skill set. They seem to be doing well with that, better than I did probably. I told Anna I wanted her to go on 3 dates in her year of being 16. 2 down 1 more to go. It's been surprising to hear/watch how dating has changed and yet stayed the same. 
She decided to ask a boy from her school. We googled creative ways to ask and in the end Harold helped her narrow down the asking method to what her date liked. Basketball.
She asked by giving him a paper with a basketball on it stating "I'm hoping not to miss but taking a shot asking you to homecoming." 
We waited anxiously for his reply.
I was so thankful for technology that she could send me pictures the next day of his creative answer. 

At the beginning of the week she was scrambling to find a couple to double with. Apparently times have changed and a lot of people choose to go stag to the dance. She found a couple then two to double with. I hurried and pressed buy now on her amazon selections and hoped that they would all arrive on time. As the week progressed we also picked up some jewelry, make-up, hair supplies and some boots from a cousin. I'd forgotten how many pieces and parts it takes to go to a fancy party.

The week was crazy full of meetings, activities, and homework. Finally on Friday the group got together and ironed out the date plan. I had offered earlier in the week to cook for the kids to make the date less costly. They ended up going bowling and then eating or I should say snacking on dutch oven dinner. Grandma Sue had forewarned me they wouldn't eat much. She was right. But the kids all said thanks and it was delicious. 

After a quick pit stop to change clothes, do hair (thanks to Aunt Alena for her quick assistance) and make-up the kids got back together for some mom pictures. That's one thing about these formal dates  lots of mom pictures. I can't imagine how long people spend taking the pictures that show up on facebook. Greg was appalled that parents were any part of the date. I did go take 3-4 pictures but then really wanted to melt into the wall. Although I was thankful the kids and parents were all on the same page I didn't need or mean to be a spy.

Trying to figure out how to pose.

Got it figured out. He was such a gentleman opening doors, pulling out chairs for her to sit in I was impressed and thankful she let him.

They headed to the dance which was held outside and had a great time! She was late coming home but reported they really enjoyed just visiting after the dance. That was my hope that they could comfortably talk and be together as a co-ed group having a pleasant time. Mission accomplished! Again thankful for families raising and teaching good kids. By the time we finally got to bed that night I was thankful it was over and excited for the next round. Life is good in the fast lane, and safe with rules.
 The next day it was awesome that Anna's date was the one blessing the sacrament and the entire group was at church, no regrets or bad memories.  Greg finally met him after church and was impressed. The kids might have been  a bit short on sleep and ready for a nap but were also filled with some new confidence for successfully navigating some new social experiences.

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