Wednesday, September 19, 2018

9.19.18 Gathering in the Harvest

While the big kids were at school playing on Friday, the younger ones were home working/playing hard. Harvest season is upon us and we are definitely filling our tummies and shelves with another bountiful harvest. We generally have Fridays off because have a longer school day and after two full weeks the kids needed a break. I checked with the teachers and after learning they were just oing to read all morning decided that was not a needful right now as some one-on-one instruction at home and some different activities. 
The kids improvised hats from zucchini leaves. 

The best part of garden harvest is munching. Tomatoes and cucumbers are abundant and ready to enjoy. Our basil plant was gorgeous and smelled divine. Addie showing her harvest here.

Tomatoes, watermelons, beets, honeydew, crenshaw, peppers, cucumbers all those hours of planting, hoeing, and watering is paying off in a big way right now.

Another major task for completion was tree removal. Our awesome uncle Justin came and gave two trees a major reduction. Bruce was more than happy to co-pilot the four wheeler as it moved pile after pile of branches to the burn pile.

There was an even bigger pile in the front of the house. But with muscle, instruction, and perseverance the job was done by Saturday the big guys got the major branches and the little girls and grandma cleaned up the remaining leaves and sticks.

And finally after months of waiting and waiting the new chickens started laying! 21 eggs Reed found that day. Now to deal with and figure out which ones are old and which ones are new. I fear another chicken disposal adventure is in the near future.

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