Saturday, September 8, 2018

9.8.18 Family Reunion

We were fortunate to be able to attend the 2018 family reunion. All the people you see in the pictures are 1st cousins. We had a guessing challenge and found there are 34 kids 6 and under with 4 babies immediately on the way. 

We started the day with a trip to the temple. 10 kids in the baptistry. Conner was able to baptize them all then got baptized himself. They had great time and it was a easy ice breaker.

The adult group did 2 sealing sessions. It was so enjoyable to be in temple as a family. A truly inspiring experience.

The second activity of the day was boating/swimming at the lake on the snake river. This spot has a nice little sheltered area and if the weather had been 10 degrees warmer it would have been much more inviting. Nonetheless kids and water always mix and they got plenty wet. One upside to cold water is kids weren't swimming but they were more prone to roam the parking lot so Greg and I spent a lot of time watching kids and other boaters to make sure no one got squished. 

Some got pushed in and thus were daring enough to swim some. John is pretty fond of water and had a great time.

The teenage boating crew. Uncle Colin is a saint to work with so many novice watersport kids on one day. Harold of course protecting his identity lest someone recognize him.

Waiting for pictures. The kids all have a resemblance though few dead ringers for twins.

 Surprisingly there was little crying until we tried for a picture with no moms or dads. There's never a shortage of opinions and direction on how best to organize a group of almost 60 kids for a picture. Precious though even is squalling because they grow up and ar replaced by another who is not sure of being 15 feet from mom and dad. 

The younger groups have lots of friend possibilities. Aren't these guys cute? They are so fun. The school gym was the perfect place to turn them loose after church and a yummy lunch.

My beautiful Aliza and me with my buddy Bruce ever present always harvesting his own meal and the good part of mine to make sure he gets enough.  Between being largely pregnant and him I'm a bit smothered in love as of late.

The serving crew. The school cafeteria was just right for hosting our crowd. As alway the food is plentiful and delicious at a family reunion. But moreso it is comorting to visit, feel of the love and shared goals, and to rejoice in the friendships bonded through common experience and testimonies of life and hereafter. These are good people, a treasure trove of help, wisdom, and comfort that are enormous blessings as we go through this parenting experience. I'm thankful for each. Being the second oldest couple I've been around long enough to watch a lot of them grow from kiddos to adults. I'm thankful for there examples and assistance through the  years. And yes I know all the names of the about 80 that make up our family currently. They are all people with unique talents and struggles and each adds more sparkle to our family. I am blessed on both sides to have great people to work through this life with.

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