Tuesday, September 11, 2018

9.11.18 Canning crew

One of the hardest parts of starting school in August is the crush of work that still remains at home. I was left to my own resources which included this crew!
The peaches were ripe and so the pealing was easy. These kids had watched the older kids and done a little along the way but this day they were the main workers. They did great! Those 21 quarts we got are some of my proudest of the year. 

Bruce really liked his job of squishing the water out of the peels.

He and Afton have developed a very bad habit of sleeping with Greg and I at night. This started when school started and I am ready for it to END! our bed is barely big enough for five. Compounded with my growing body and the need to rotate often sleep is becoming more and more sparse. 

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