Monday, September 17, 2018

9.17.18 HOCO week continued

Wow school has sure changed. For all the bad press teenagers get and all the warnings and scary talks parents are subjected to in the media and trusted sources there is still a tremendous amount of good and fun in these tempestuous years. Last week was homecoming spirit week. The theme was the wild west and the spirit days were easy (meaning mostly to be found in your existing closet). The end of the week was class competition day. From syphon tube setting, to literally finding a needle in a haystack, to tug of war which all my kids competed for their class in (they love this competition). To a quick draw there was something for everyone. I really love the heart of school or school leadership that thought carefully about how to involve so many diverse kids. They rounded out the day with a community assembly recognizing many farmers/grandparents of the student body. The kids read a short bio/appreciation speech to their grandparent and then escorted them up. The awareness of others is refreshing, again in the face of teenagers are just self-absorbed monsters talk that is usually the case.

Here's Harold's team pulling. It's all about heart! Photos courtesy of Mrs. Steele via facebook.
Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

Yes those long lines int he back are Aliza's.
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, crowd and outdoor

Her head encouraging classmates. The freshman won many of these competitions. They showed the school who they are and that they have arrived as serious competition.
Image may contain: 5 people, tree and outdoor

Black and White day.
Image may contain: 2 people, including Amanda Saunders, people smiling, people standing

Why is this in my closet day. Why no hand over the face here? He only wore the suit for counting and picture then changed into decent man clothes. PHEW.

And Anna ready for another busy day. School and FFA. She has spent a lot of time these past few weeks working on the FFA foundation auction that is coming up the weekend before the baby is due. We rarely talk to her, just text about what's next and give her a plate of food and some water and she runs out the door to the next activity. She is doing well and developing some fine talents and confidence.  Honestly this is one of my favorite pictures of her so captures who she is right now.

Image may contain: Amanda Saunders, smiling, standing

So our two families collide and divide. It's good to grow and do so much and tiring. I smile as I think of the fun memories they are creating and cry a bit that they are so grown up. I know I have lots still here and I'm trying to adjust to teach and do with who's here don't just wait for an entire unit, as we really are all here only to sleep and for minutes at a time. So with that new realization and goal we move forward with a new game plan and praying lots and thankful for communication methods that I can kind of peek at what my older kids are up to. Life is good and we are blessed by kids doing real things with good people learning, serving, and becoming capable of great futures.

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