Friday, September 7, 2018

9.7.18 A Birthday Boy

We have arrived at 2 with another feisty kiddo. He is full of energy and ideas. He is speaking more and more words each day and is adamant that I do what he wants right now. He and Afton have taken to screaming and screeching. Not the best habit when we are trying to concentrate and meditate. The can often be found outside giving inside ears a rest. 
He is all boy although he does dance and enjoys lots of make believe courtesy of his sisters. 

For his birthday he got to go with his dad and brothers to castrate and dehorn calves. While not immediately involved he was there. He and cousin Eloise played from a safe perch in the old manure wagon where they could watch but not get in the thick of the mess or be run over. Win-win! 

Bruce loves chocolate and ice cream so cake and ice cream were right up his alley. He is one of my more aware two year olds having no trouble blowing out his candles on his own with little prompting from any of us. He's also an adept match lighter as we are out of matches and I Think he and AFton are the culprits.

 And he's serious about food. Maybe being the youngest of 11 maybe just by nature. When he likes something he is not deterred. If he doesn't like the meal or its still to hot he won't eat for anyone or any consequence. He is very adept at directing Greg's fork to his mouth making feeding the two of them a constant refilling of plates.

He's my shadow day and night very concerned that I am close and not missing. He is going to have a lot of adjusting to do with the baby coming. However, he is consistently kind and not aggressive wiht smaller cousins and friends so hopefully that won't be an issue. We love our Bruce although I could really take some space from him for at least 6 hours at night.

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