Monday, September 17, 2018

9.17.18 Normal days

We continue to live in two or 4 or 11 different worlds here. We have the at home crew whom we are diligently working with each day to educate. Millie is an easy homeschool kid as she asks for school, remembers well, and generally wants to learn. She is doing very well.

 Afton is not to be left out and is working at her level on writing and sounds. She is sure becoming a sassy pants. She has a quip for almost any situation and loves to talk back with her hands on her hips.

And we decided to try some potty training with this big guy. We do what we can stand meaning till I get tired of the checking or cleaning up, or the big kids need to be picked up or are home.  Then he gets his demand of a diaper back on. He's actually doing pretty well and could finish up if I had more energy.

Partners in adventures and exploring they are buddies.

Mark had the pleasure of attending a merit badge workshop with this good friend last week. They learned about riffle shooting and enjoyed the cabela's store. My kids are blessed with lots of opportunities thanks to the generosity of other parents.

Of course the highlight was the guns well maybe the free fudge. I sincerely instructed him to go easy on the fudge or he would be sick. HE obeyed and only had some. Now these great scouts just need some hours shooting and they will be good to go.

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