Saturday, November 17, 2018

11.17.18 Making Time

A podcast  I listened to recently said one way to help reduce mom guilt is to schedule time to have fun. Then when you are busy working you can rest assure that the nurturing is scheduled in and won't miss that responsibility. Too often I'm just in work mode, busily getting things done. But sometimes I make time, or am nagged to death by the broken record player toddlers that live here, and we do some things they like. From the pack meeting this week we scored some turkeys to be assembled. The kids started on the project but the overall vision was a bit illusive so I helped with the construction and gluing to make turkey hats. 

This was also the day of the ward party complete with pie and chili cook-off. Thank goodness Alia is sleeping a little longer now and so my anxious helper got to help make some coconut cream pie. She seriously stirred for half an hour. Phew! she loves to mix her own concoctions whenever at the counter. These always get dumped as her creative mixing is not suitable for consumption. Thus to have real responsibility channeling her willingness was a win for us both. I got the pie crust assembled and the pudding didn't burn.

And she helped by holding Alia keeping her happy.

At the party we watched lots of fun games. This one is passing a banana back using only your feet. Kids are pretty flexible! That's Reed passing on his banana.

Then there was a relay race Bruce was on team A and did very well on his ride. I thought it was very thoughtful that even the small children could easily and happily participate in this party.

Then Millie got a ride.

Then the Saunders family was called to be a team. We added an extra red-head who isn't related. The goal was to move as a group into 3 squares. No one was hurt but we did not win.

We chicken danced and turkey hookie pookied. It was a fun night. We also didn't eat chili being kind of anti-bean here. I took chicken noodle soup. Which my family ate along with plates full of pie. Aliza got third place with her triple berry cream pie. The winning pie was actually a not homemade pie but dressed up fancy. It was pretty good. Mostly a nice evening out of the house laughing, moving, and visiting. It's always nice to change up the daily grind a bit and to schedule some fun.

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