Wednesday, November 7, 2018

11.7.18 Halloween

We did the annual candy hold up dressing up for the church trunk or treat. Cousin Eloise is getting big enough to participate and we enjoyed spending time with her and her family. 

We found another little cousin amongst the trunks and she kindly handed out a lot her candy to our crew. She didn't seem to mind.

The bigger kids were put to work serving additional refreshments. I was impressed with their leader two handing the condiments. Efficiency right there.

Bruce got a hot dog and a ride from dad.

And just a random throw back. Mark at about age 4. Isn't he cute? I cry when I see old pictures where did those days go? And like most mom's I think my kids are the cutest ever. I love how he and most of my kids really love life. Not that I'm planning their demise. But I appreciate their enthusiasm and happiness, I am blessed to have these great kiddos in my home. And to be sharing in their candy daily as we have some as rewards for cleaning the house quickly, raking leaves, or just cuz it's time for more chocolate!

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