Tuesday, November 6, 2018

11.6.18 Days of Fall

Oh the days of fall have literally been golden. The light has been diffused in such a way to provide amazing sunrises and sun sets and sometimes the days are just awesome. We are buried in leaves here. A daunting yearly project getting most of the raked and off the grass. 

John and Mark have spent a lot of time building fence. Here they are getting wire strung out. We have about 300 cows on the farm currently. I'm thankful for the opportunities to work as it keeps them busy and we are all thankful for the nice days. Snow, rain, wind, and lower temperatures are not as pleasant to work in. However no one has melted yet.

And after all these days of working it wears the kids out. Car rides are the favorite place for the young crew to take a nap.

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