Tuesday, November 27, 2018

11.27.18 Eating Out

We live in a pretty great community, we as a family strive to be positive part of our town. I read about a free breakfast at the local diner and thought it would be a easy way to start our Thanksgiving holiday. We won't be traveling anywhere any time soon so the opportunity to eat out is rare, especially with the entire family. I coaxed Greg into coming, he is not a fan of eating out, and we headed to town. 
 The waitress gave Bruce a cup with straw and cold milk to make his hot chocolate drinkable. He was a happy camper.

The waitress suggested the backroom thad had longer tables that we could all sit at, but the girls wanted to live up this adventure complete with bar stool seats. We opted for the front area with booths and stools. The waitresses were so attentive and helpful. They really made this a special experience.

 The kids loved the hot chocolate with whip cream and were in awe of the ice cream scoop size of butter on their huge pancakes. Today Afton tried to use half a cube of butter on her pancake, I told her that was only for restaurant eating.

Aded bonus was celebrating their birthdays. we sure love them even if they don't love pictures.

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