Tuesday, November 27, 2018

11.29.18 My Guy

He rarely gets time with Alia because he is worker #2 here but when he does he sure loves her. She was not sure about this new set up and was not about to go feed cows. 

She was very patient when we took him here to an empty DMV office and waited about 2 minutes for him to fill out his paperwork to get his license. He was pretty pleased. I was a little surprised but shouldn't have been as he gets what he sets his mind to.

He then chauffeured us around town as we did our holiday shopping in preparation for the weeklong celebration of thanksgiving. He is a fun kid. Still happy and outgoing. He is curious and interested in life. HE is very capable and determined. He is humble,and he is smart. He is a kind big brother known to his siblings as the one that tickles them. He still loves to read and likes to learn. He was also confirmed to the office of a priest on Sunday. I am excited for him to be able to baptize and bless the sacrament. He is a good kid and chooses to be so. I am thankful for this kiddo who continues to surprise me just as he has from the moment I knew he would be in our family. 

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