Monday, November 5, 2018

11.5.18 Family together time

Our little Alia has definitely brought us closer together. I mean a lot closer together. This picture is pretty common these days 4 to 8 kids all huddled around. Sometimes it's sweet and sometimes I yell stop touching me. After 12 plus hours of constant kids it's all I can do not to crawl out of my skin. If I left my hair I think Bruce would be pacificed for days. 

She is a sweet little pumpkin though. She loves the older kids and tehy love spending time with her. 

Sometimes Aliza takes turns. Bruce is getting a little more awnry with Alia. He has mastered the big toothy smile that is so endearing that he flashes after he has done something naughty. While cute hs is also getting to be a bit too big for his britches. Next up for him full on potty training. I'm working up courage to begin that process.

Alia loves for Aliza to talk and sing to her. I'm amazed how long Aliza can talk to her. Obviously she's going to be brilliant with so much stimulation.

Babies are good. While it is uncomfortable to go through the process of getting them here it is amazing the love they can bring to a family. We are thankful she is safe and sound and in our home. And working towards being happy and peaceful with all the loving that is going on here.

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