Friday, November 9, 2018

11.9.18 Sunset

Election night found me cuddled up with my oldest two daughters and baby Alia. We were ticking minutes off the day watching a hallmark. When Greg came home somehow the conversation turned to voter fraud and we were reminded by a Ray Stevens song about Grandpa voting from 6 feet under ground. Which of course led to a few more Ray Stevens songs. He's a witty talented song writer whom we really enjoy. The moment was too golden to not capture. My 3 oldest who are nearing their sunset in our home. I love their smiles, unique personalities, capabilities, and love they bring to our home. 

These days the sunsets and sun rises have been amazing. So vibrant and big we have tried to capture them but our phones are not finite or large enough to truly capture the awesomeness of the entire sky on fire. The colors change rapidly and the imagination is broadened as the natural show is so much more vivid than I would ever imagine painting or coloring.

I've learned these last few months that motherhood is much the same. It's so much more intense than I can describe. My entire being is constantly engaged raising these kids. It's awesome and so satisfying and yet so hard and tiring. I hope that someday I too will be awesome like these sunsets. My life is much more than I ever imagined it would be. I'm learning it's the finite moments that are defining the big picture. I'm thankful for this opportunity to be a mom. I'm surprised that this has been my path. I'm even more surprised that I enjoy it so much while bemoaning how challenging it is to all I believed I was/am. Yet those golden moments which are happening more and more often wash away the hard and the hurt. I'm so thankful for such a wise God who allowed me to have all these amazing spirits in my humble home.

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