Thursday, March 28, 2019

3.28.19 Daffodils

The kids happily announced that the flowers were in bloom. They then queried if they could pick some? I said no I wanted them outside. Of course I was ignored, there is a real problem with this at my house, and daffodils appeared on my table. At least the girls have learned to cut them long enough to be put in water.

Well baby girl was also interested in the beautiful flowers and found a way to get to them.

And like a normal baby she tasted them. The flowers had lasted about 5 days which is almost a record. She finished them off. They are not poisonous as she is still around this morning. We are all about hands on learning here. And no I did not think she would grab the flowers she was not placed in close proximity to them. But she is proving where there is a will there is a way.
Thus a few hours later we had a very tired baby contained in her baby trap the high chair.

Who after hours of exploring and learning finally gave in to a nap.

She's a sweety ready to conquer the world. She daily gets more mobile and stronger. She is super interested in food but not in swallowing. It will come.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

3.27.19 FFA Convention

These kids headed to the state FFA convention a few days ago and we followed after to be supportive parents. It is always gut wrenching to leave some and support some. I have yet to figure out how to truly just enjoy the present place I am in. Greg and I headed out early Saturday morning. I was anxious as all get out having left 8 of my children home and heading into uncharted territory. We have been married for several years now but the thought of spending a weekend away was nerve wracking. We just aren't in a time period where alone time is ever the most important thing. Yet there we went just us, and a sleeping baby. As the miles passed my anxiety peaked and lessened. By the time we got to Bend and started using google maps I was better. As we learned google maps is made for goat herders or cowboys. The direct routes wound us through many a remote neighborhood. This of course made me laugh and Greg cringe. This was good. 

See Bend was a historic sweet place for me. Traveling their with my grandmother growing up made Bend  synonymous with the best parts of teenager life shopping, eating out, and no parents or siblings. I loved my Bend trips. Getting lost was all part of that experience. Grandma and I laughed we always would drive past our desired destination then turn around and go back. I guess I should have shared that with my more precise husband. Oh well habits die hard and we had more than a few drive past and turn around experiences. But the laughing helped lighten the worry.

We found the convention site with time to spare for our first appointment. I wondered how we would ever find our kids in the mass of blue jackets but almost the first kid we saw was the fiery redhead on the right. The one least happy we were there. We didn't speak to her long. 

The kids had a great time, making new friends, learning a lot about people, and even more about themselves. Opportunities to grow come in many different ways.

Of course my kids are showing off their muscles.

A highlight of convention was the BlueJacket Bucket Band singing Cecilia. Thank goodness the fiery red head changed the lyrics and made it less disgusting. The kids were playing farm things posts being pounded, buckets being tapped, horse bridles, cans of seeds. It was cleaver and sounded good. Aliza of course fell in love with singing for the crowd up in the lights. She has set her sights on doing it again and again.

The State degree recipients for this year. A diverse group of achievers. It's so interesting to look at this picture. There was so much going on behind the scenes that we learned about later. So many emotions and words being expressed yet nothing came out while we were there.

This lady is such a great leader. I can only say I am so proud of her ability to remain classy and weather the storm. I joked with her that she walks like she is coming to beat someone up, she is large and in charge! But she has to be. By the nature of her birth order, the offices that have come to her, and life in general she is a warrior and a peace keeper. I learn more and more about her as I hear from others. She is a quiet presence at home maybe gaining strength for the next battle. I sure love her.

The big award moment and I was not ready. Anna got her award first and this is the better picture of her one stage.

Yes that's my offering and snap. I'm so not up to speed on technology.

At the award luncheon. We sat at an empty table just Greg, Alia and I and were approached by a new couple. They were a delight to get to know. Anna had been visiting with their son during the rehearsal. While we enjoyed a delicious lunch the fiery red head sang her song. We got the video later. 

After a long day of convention and travel we headed to dinner. We had done some research before and found Bend to be a very expensive town to eat in. We are not big spenders so we headed to the tried and true pizza hut. They had delivered our pizza so we had to wait for them to make it again. Next door to pizza hut was a cold stone shop. Having never been there but remembering good words about the deliciousness we went in. Again I was shocked at the prices. I don't get out much to more than Wal-mart and Waremart. We missed our kids again because with them we could have had some of all the offerings, until we finally found the price tags. I decided on none Greg got this. It was big enough to share.
The next morning we made it to church via google maps. The LDS website is always overloaded on Sunday morning. We ended up at a chapel that seemed pretty quiet. We got there just as they finished passing the sacrament. We headed in to at least feel the spirit of the sacrament meeting. It was different, of course, a lady waved to me when we sat down. I took it for a friendly person. When Lia coulnd't handle any more I headed to the hall, the lady followed and asked my name. I told her and then realized who she was. We spoke a bit and I suggested a picture. She disappeared. I didn't find her again.

This trip we met some new people. I have since been pondering over those experiences. Why those people? I don't know. It was heartwarming both times. I love meeting new people. Both Greg and I like talking with people. We like hearing their story, we like learning from them.
I just have to catalog this. The chapter wanted a dutch bros run. So aliza whipped out her notebook, from her ever present back pack and started taking orders. She gets to the counter hands the surprised cashier the list and they work through the 25 custom made drinks which Aliza then labels for distribution. I LOVE IT! This is so her. And the reward of the people she is around. They can get what they want quickly, efficiently, and with little effort on their part. She learned a lot more than just the core subjects at Willowcreek, she learned how to work with people and serve them well. 

As my kids came home and shared their story they too had learned a lot about people and the new world they live in complete with social media drama. People, attitudes, habits, and problems don't' change much. But amidst storms and problems or worry and wonder there are good people too. People who make you feel better, who make you laugh, who love.

As  I studied the scriptures yesterday full of wonder about their trip and the fall our from it I was reading about Nephi and his wilderness journey. That there was much trial and adversity and that his companions would have been happy if.... sounded a lot familiar. And then on to Moses leading a group of people and how they had the light leading them day and night and yet chose to complain and to wallow in the darkness of their hearts. Oh how life is like that. God leads us with scripture, prophets, the Holy Ghost even friends and associates. We can choose to be miserable and to hold onto our fears or to allow for some laughs along with being lost.

Life is good. This weekend was a nice change of scenery.  We drove around a bit looking for the places I remembered being so magical they are run down or even not there anymore. That was sad and kind of shocking. Life changes a lot in 30 years, sometimes that's a little too real to face. Onward to new memories with new people.  It was so good to just be with Greg for a while. We both need that more often than we allow. The kids at home had a great time too. All was well. On to next year when hopefully Harold will also be getting his degree, then Aliza the next. This might become a fun tradition.

3.27.19 Awards Assembly

Another quarter down in this school year. The kids got a few to say the least. Reed had so many he could not hold them all, he has truly come into his own shepherded by a fantastic motivator Mrs. Robertson. I have mentioned before how she taught both me and my children I can honestly say I have appreciated her far more from the parent standpoint. It is a very sad even that she will be retiring at the completion of this school year. As I sat in the crowd listening as she shared the amount of growth so many in her class had achieved this year I watched parents beaming and heard their  repeated comments of- finally my child broke through this year! 
I am so grateful for the gift it has been to work with her.  

Likewise after a long even daily struggle with the lady in blue plaid she gained an award for best penmanship. I learned long ago it doesn't particularly matter what the recognition is just that you get recognized by your teacher with that piece of paper. Alivia also got an attendance award a first at our house as third quarter is usually marked by illness of some kind.

My happy cheering section. 8 am is an early start to the day for the ones at home especially since we have a 20 minute drive to get there. They were good groggy sports though.

Afton is my curious best friend. She loves people and is very much a child unaware of personal space or boundaries. Touching necklaces or decals. Here she is snuggling a favorite teacher Mrs. Worley. There are many opportunities to be had in life. After this awards assembly the older kids were anxiously anticipating a school dance. Instructors had come the days prior to teach them how to dance. Another great learning opportunity!

School doesn't teach everything  I want, there are things and subjects I don't love being brought up but I take responsibility to teach my kids the extra's here at home. One of my favorite parts of spring break is teaching my kids. So we dug out the history curriculum, pulled out the reading and math books and are learning away. I love the variety of school and the interaction with others as that's a major part of our mortal experience. Life is good and we are blessed.

Friday, March 22, 2019

3.22.19 FFA

Ahh the FFA leadership season has come to an end. After many nights of practicing a harrowing trip on ice covered roads, witty candidate speeches the dust has settled and we are in for another year of full FFA participation. Anna came away with the district president position coupled with her new chapter office as the vice president. 

Aliza won the opportunity to be the next chapter reporter. A perfect fit for her and one that will further sharpen her writing abilities.

Harold also ran but was narrowly beaten out by a person from another family. It is a blessing and hardship to go through high school with your siblings. We guessed going into elections it would be unlikely they would all come away with an office. Harold was slightly bummed but understood he is involved in a lot of other clubs and has many opportunities in his future. My main hope is that he will again be able to attend the leadership camp as that was a highlight last year for him. 
And after a disappointing trip to the sectional speaking and parliamentary contest the girls came away with some disgust at the judgements handed down. Both had gained a lot of ground by the practice leading up to the contest. Each night they would go to a neighbors house, present their speeches, answer questions then discuss some agricultural issues. This was a great experience, and generous help from our neighbors. Because of all the practicing Anna was ready for a new challenge. 

She was asked to represent youth, agriculture, and FFA speaking at a hearing for a piece of legislation currently in the Oregon political assembly this year. I studied and pondered about the topic and wrote her statement. I coached her on what the issue is and sent her a few articles to read so she would have an idea of what is at stake. She practiced a bit and then headed off on a high stakes adventure. She and other high profile agriculturalist headed to Bend early one Saturday to sign up to testify. Having come the farthest they were guaranteed to be heard. I prayed and I prayed hoping she would not be confronted, she would be poised, and she would be calm. I had a sure witness he was being helped by guardian angels. Anna comes from a long line of people who when necessary stood up for themselves and for what they believed was good and true. Most of her ancestors lived quiet lives of integrity, service, and long hours of work. She has been raised similarly. She took her turn and read calmly and confidently the written statement. All reports say she did well. She loved the experience! In the middle of the hearings one of the elected representatives who was hearing the testimonies brought her this note.

This was a great day for her. One that cemented all the hours of learning, practicing, and refusing to accept loss as indicator of true ability. I think that is the best thing I have learned parenting is although doors close with agonizing swiftness new doors open just a few days down the road. One set back or blown out dream is not the end of the road. In deed it often is just another step on the road of success or opportunity. Anna learned as much in the car ride as she had all year about ag. She showed the skills gained from  being involved in FFA. Learning is always good, and experience is a powerful teacher. Elected officer or not, winning and loosing all contribute heavily to the people I hope my kids become. And as I tell them on the side FFA is a great way to miss lots of school.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

3.21.19 Caught

One of my kids favorite snacks to sneak is heated marshmallows. Unfortunately because this is not healthy or a mom approved snack they hide the evidence. This day the hiding resulted in a capturing of a brother. 

John stepped on the plate and had a sticky time removing himself from the melted remains.

Likewise we catch kids by reading with them and showing them pictures or videos that add to the stories on our phones. Our laps are always full. That's a good problem to have. 

Bruce is adamant each night that he "nuggle with mom!" to go sleep. He is a independent loving little boy. We are thankful and entertained as we watch each child grow up.

Lia developed the ability to roll over and then scooch herself along pushing from behind with her toes. She can circle and move this way. Bruce was anchoring her to one spot to prevent her hurting herself. She was obviously happy to be played with. I have similar pictures of all my kids sitting on the younger one. Sweet days of being a sibling. The attention from those closest to your age sure fill in the gaps of parents needing to do other things periodically throughout the day.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

3.20.19 Unexpected hike

After securing our new little pigs we knew we needed to get feed for them. Not any old scraps for high quality fast growing fair hogs, no! NO! They get premium fresh ground, sometimes organic, local sustainable feed. Hand mixed and fed 3x daily to ensure they are happy, healthy, hefty hogs. Well on our way to the feed source our trusty roomy van died. Out of the clear blue sky we were sitting next to this jungle land of opportunity.

Thankfully I still had cell service and know a great mechanic and own a tow truck. I placed a call to the first who cam to our rescue. As he worked to fix the problem the kids grew restless, I sent them on a hike up the hill. They went up and down this hill running up and running down many times. I yearn to be outside and to see and do things. This day we waited outside and I watched them tirelessly explore and conqueor this mountain.

Healthy kids are such a blessing. I take for granted their ability to run, to breath, to be kids. I read a headline stating that researchers have determined kids who are outside have healthier mental states. DUH! So in the midst of our distress we zenned out in the sage brush. Hopefully it was cool enough the ticks were still at bay. And hopefully the van will act up again as it refuses to die again making it hard to diagnose what is malfunctioning. Another day of real living in the books.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

3.19.19 Little Pigs

Spring is here on the calendar and thus begins another fair pig adventure. First responsibility was fixing the pen. There are major differences in the abilities of little pigs versus finished hogs. So of course we dismantled the old pen and worked out some solutions to problem areas. Of course teamwork was involved, some flared tempers, and thank goodness the sun was shining and it was warm because digging, pounding, lugging and solving problems takes a lot of work. 

These two were not on the chore list and enjoyed frolicing and pretending to thier hearts content all weekend. Childhood is a magical time of imagining. Alivia has that talent by the bucket full. Millie misses her creative concocting all school week long.

School can be dangerous. Can you see the yellow purple bruise on her eye. She crashed into a classmate while running in p.e. and gained this shiner. IT cleared up quickly but gave her some soreness for the weekend. Love those sprinkling of freckles pulled out by the sunny days.

And the little pigs. This is a very noisey picture. From little kids enjoying a new jungle gym to the pigs reluctantly goign to a new pen there was lots of action going on in the background. 

Reed is the ever willing helper. Although he is not a fair participant yet, he's too young, he does a lot of maintaining and assisting to get those pigs to the fair.

Our most brave and reliable animal handler. We sure love this oldest sister, she calmly and knowingly just tackles whatever is on the list for the day. I sure appreciate her level headed approach to life and her choice to be valiant.

Pigs are such curious creatures they have spent many hours at this fence line getting to know each other. And the kids have spent many hours at the other fence just watching. That seems to be a main activity with animals and people here just watching making sure they are ok. They are truly relaxing to watch. The quiet sounds they make their funny interactions and the way they investigate and care for each other is interesting to observe.

Mark is our top herdsman here. He is responsible for general herd knowledge from who had what calf, to when, to how they are both doing and that's for more than 20 mama cows. Last night after being gone an unusually long time he came home to report there was a calf in a bad way. We had noticed it apart from the herd a few days before but it had now mustered will to come to the main herd but was just about done for. I went with he an Anna to see what was going on.
A few days earlier Mark had informed me I loved another son more because I help him in a different way. I told Mark that was not true I just love them each differently trying to speak to them and their hearts as they listen.
We got to the farm and the calf looked bad. We unhooked the hot fence and daintily picked our way through the deep manure, though dryish, ally way to the helpless calf. WE tried the bottle, but could hardly get its jaws unclenched. It's muzzle was cold which is always a bad sign combine with inability to stand, dull eyes and gaunt body. I tried tubing it and got about a pint of warm milk in it. We laid it back on the ground and just watched. We sent Anna to get some electrolytes as it was showing scours symptoms. While we watched and dusk turned to dark Mark and I observed very close up the cows interactions with calves and each other. We assessed the herd he pointed out breeding characteristics that were changing from bull to bull. We had a great evening minus the sick calf at our feet. I pointed out Mark this is a way I love you. I stand very close the business end of cows and work with dying calves. He smiled. Again I told him I love you, I don't love doing this, but I do because I love you- and probably his dad could be included in this.
Anna came back with the warm electrolyte yogurt solution and we tried the bottle again. Same clenched jaw and inability to suck. I prepared the tube bottle and tubed it. Well I killed it. I went the wrong direction and poured the solution straight into it's lungs. I have never killed an animal before. I felt terrible and stupid. The very concerned mama cow took one sniff and walked away. Mark and Anna drug the very dead calf out of the pen and that was a night.
Not how I hoped it would go. I have tubed calves several times before and no harm. Those I had spoke with assured me it happens fast if you do it wrong. Yep it does, very fast. I apologized to all with a stake in the calf. Worked to calm my baby who had been screaming and enjoyed the quiet of my other kids already in bed.
A new experience to be the direct cause of death of one of these small animals. Each time though I learn some more and earnestly hope for a next time to not happen. Mark and John often ask "Why do we even try? It's just gonna die." I respond because it's wrong to see it suffer and do nothing. The doctoring experience before called for days of working with a down mother and her starving calf  turned out to be just fine now. So I guess you win some you loose some. But I hope that the real memory of the night was that my son will know his mother loves him. I think that assurance is so critical.  I do a lot of odd things I never imagined in my scope because of my love for these many unique kids in my home. Life is full of adventure amongst the mundane. By day I rejoice in the mundane after adventures stretch my limits. Life is good.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

3.12.19 Fly a kite

As we were almost to the checkout counter of walmart last week I passed a display of kites. This is a fun activity we can squeeze in between chores. The kites could also be a reward for doing some chores or reading, and they are a rare part of childhood. I bought two! I told the girls to be very careful with the packages so as to not break the delicate kite pieces. I further admonished them to be patient that their brothers would know exactly what to do with the kites. 

Some minutes were better than others for keeping the kites up, but some good teamwork flowed throughout the activity and Lia and I got some much needed fresh air.

Which is so needed after so much time inside doing this!!! Lots and lots of writing and learning. I've learned quite a few new things- how pencils were used in space, the different songs birds sing, entertainment styles in ancient Rome, etc. but honestly I'm ready for more outside and less inside soon.

Monday, March 11, 2019

3.13.19 Reading through the days

We like to read here I'm always excited when my kids find a new great author- I can highly recommend Clare Vanderpool, she is a superb story teller! Reed has broke through the cement barrier that was impeding his reading progress and has fallen in love with the Narnia series from C.S. Lewis. Lia got to join him for some of his reading odyssey.

Reed was pretty depressed about not meeting his reading goal for the nine weeks, but I explained to him it was far better that he was pushing his ability by reading harder books than a lot of easy books. HE didn't quite buy my reasoning so I told him to work hard finishing books this weekend and take the tests monday and see if he couldn't meet it (he was short by 7 points). He was a very quiet boy this weekend lost in his books. This is so heartwarming to me, we worked for a long time getting to this point.

Millie is a student who has a great memory. She is very gifted in the ability to remember the words from one sentence to the next. Reading is pretty easy for her. She is sure a great helper at home and finds ways to be a light of goodness to those around her. The emptying of the dishwasher is still the worst job ever in her eyes.

Lia found her fingers. We work to keep them out of her mouth but as I am highly preoccupied with other stuff she gets to taste them often. 

Harold figured out how to make the scriptures really big on the laptop. You can touch the laptop screen without it moving, making this is a great way to read with Livy. She does better with bigger words. She is also coming to trust Harold's helping her. He is patient and mostly kind with his young siblings. I read recently of a great great great great grandpa whom it was said loved to have little children around and on his lap. I think this trait has been passed down the Saunders family line as most of the men and boys don't mind and even enjoy interacting with children. I'm thankful my husband is not bothered by children, he accepts they are part of life and what makes life good.

A night of good vibes. Afton was reading with me. I read the Lucille Ball autobiography, it was so interesting. She was not at all what I thought she was, she was so much better!!! I absolutely love snuggling with my kids and reading. This may be one reason I have so many. Nursing is such a great excuse to sit and read. After the struggles to nurse Bruce efficiently I am so thankful for the ability and health to nurse Alia and bemoan the lack of books to occupy the time. I often fall prey to just reading on my phone but it does not create the same feelings of enjoyment, peace and well being. Nothing beats a well written, thoughtful, engaging, and witty book for lowering stress, alleviating anxiety, and woe.

They are buddies and truly enjoy each other. Bruce is insistent that he love Lia and she doesn't mind. She loves to watch him and be around the other kids she gets really mad after a few minutes of being left in a room alone.