Thursday, March 28, 2019

3.28.19 Daffodils

The kids happily announced that the flowers were in bloom. They then queried if they could pick some? I said no I wanted them outside. Of course I was ignored, there is a real problem with this at my house, and daffodils appeared on my table. At least the girls have learned to cut them long enough to be put in water.

Well baby girl was also interested in the beautiful flowers and found a way to get to them.

And like a normal baby she tasted them. The flowers had lasted about 5 days which is almost a record. She finished them off. They are not poisonous as she is still around this morning. We are all about hands on learning here. And no I did not think she would grab the flowers she was not placed in close proximity to them. But she is proving where there is a will there is a way.
Thus a few hours later we had a very tired baby contained in her baby trap the high chair.

Who after hours of exploring and learning finally gave in to a nap.

She's a sweety ready to conquer the world. She daily gets more mobile and stronger. She is super interested in food but not in swallowing. It will come.

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