Thursday, March 21, 2019

3.21.19 Caught

One of my kids favorite snacks to sneak is heated marshmallows. Unfortunately because this is not healthy or a mom approved snack they hide the evidence. This day the hiding resulted in a capturing of a brother. 

John stepped on the plate and had a sticky time removing himself from the melted remains.

Likewise we catch kids by reading with them and showing them pictures or videos that add to the stories on our phones. Our laps are always full. That's a good problem to have. 

Bruce is adamant each night that he "nuggle with mom!" to go sleep. He is a independent loving little boy. We are thankful and entertained as we watch each child grow up.

Lia developed the ability to roll over and then scooch herself along pushing from behind with her toes. She can circle and move this way. Bruce was anchoring her to one spot to prevent her hurting herself. She was obviously happy to be played with. I have similar pictures of all my kids sitting on the younger one. Sweet days of being a sibling. The attention from those closest to your age sure fill in the gaps of parents needing to do other things periodically throughout the day.

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