Wednesday, March 20, 2019

3.20.19 Unexpected hike

After securing our new little pigs we knew we needed to get feed for them. Not any old scraps for high quality fast growing fair hogs, no! NO! They get premium fresh ground, sometimes organic, local sustainable feed. Hand mixed and fed 3x daily to ensure they are happy, healthy, hefty hogs. Well on our way to the feed source our trusty roomy van died. Out of the clear blue sky we were sitting next to this jungle land of opportunity.

Thankfully I still had cell service and know a great mechanic and own a tow truck. I placed a call to the first who cam to our rescue. As he worked to fix the problem the kids grew restless, I sent them on a hike up the hill. They went up and down this hill running up and running down many times. I yearn to be outside and to see and do things. This day we waited outside and I watched them tirelessly explore and conqueor this mountain.

Healthy kids are such a blessing. I take for granted their ability to run, to breath, to be kids. I read a headline stating that researchers have determined kids who are outside have healthier mental states. DUH! So in the midst of our distress we zenned out in the sage brush. Hopefully it was cool enough the ticks were still at bay. And hopefully the van will act up again as it refuses to die again making it hard to diagnose what is malfunctioning. Another day of real living in the books.

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