Wednesday, March 27, 2019

3.27.19 FFA Convention

These kids headed to the state FFA convention a few days ago and we followed after to be supportive parents. It is always gut wrenching to leave some and support some. I have yet to figure out how to truly just enjoy the present place I am in. Greg and I headed out early Saturday morning. I was anxious as all get out having left 8 of my children home and heading into uncharted territory. We have been married for several years now but the thought of spending a weekend away was nerve wracking. We just aren't in a time period where alone time is ever the most important thing. Yet there we went just us, and a sleeping baby. As the miles passed my anxiety peaked and lessened. By the time we got to Bend and started using google maps I was better. As we learned google maps is made for goat herders or cowboys. The direct routes wound us through many a remote neighborhood. This of course made me laugh and Greg cringe. This was good. 

See Bend was a historic sweet place for me. Traveling their with my grandmother growing up made Bend  synonymous with the best parts of teenager life shopping, eating out, and no parents or siblings. I loved my Bend trips. Getting lost was all part of that experience. Grandma and I laughed we always would drive past our desired destination then turn around and go back. I guess I should have shared that with my more precise husband. Oh well habits die hard and we had more than a few drive past and turn around experiences. But the laughing helped lighten the worry.

We found the convention site with time to spare for our first appointment. I wondered how we would ever find our kids in the mass of blue jackets but almost the first kid we saw was the fiery redhead on the right. The one least happy we were there. We didn't speak to her long. 

The kids had a great time, making new friends, learning a lot about people, and even more about themselves. Opportunities to grow come in many different ways.

Of course my kids are showing off their muscles.

A highlight of convention was the BlueJacket Bucket Band singing Cecilia. Thank goodness the fiery red head changed the lyrics and made it less disgusting. The kids were playing farm things posts being pounded, buckets being tapped, horse bridles, cans of seeds. It was cleaver and sounded good. Aliza of course fell in love with singing for the crowd up in the lights. She has set her sights on doing it again and again.

The State degree recipients for this year. A diverse group of achievers. It's so interesting to look at this picture. There was so much going on behind the scenes that we learned about later. So many emotions and words being expressed yet nothing came out while we were there.

This lady is such a great leader. I can only say I am so proud of her ability to remain classy and weather the storm. I joked with her that she walks like she is coming to beat someone up, she is large and in charge! But she has to be. By the nature of her birth order, the offices that have come to her, and life in general she is a warrior and a peace keeper. I learn more and more about her as I hear from others. She is a quiet presence at home maybe gaining strength for the next battle. I sure love her.

The big award moment and I was not ready. Anna got her award first and this is the better picture of her one stage.

Yes that's my offering and snap. I'm so not up to speed on technology.

At the award luncheon. We sat at an empty table just Greg, Alia and I and were approached by a new couple. They were a delight to get to know. Anna had been visiting with their son during the rehearsal. While we enjoyed a delicious lunch the fiery red head sang her song. We got the video later. 

After a long day of convention and travel we headed to dinner. We had done some research before and found Bend to be a very expensive town to eat in. We are not big spenders so we headed to the tried and true pizza hut. They had delivered our pizza so we had to wait for them to make it again. Next door to pizza hut was a cold stone shop. Having never been there but remembering good words about the deliciousness we went in. Again I was shocked at the prices. I don't get out much to more than Wal-mart and Waremart. We missed our kids again because with them we could have had some of all the offerings, until we finally found the price tags. I decided on none Greg got this. It was big enough to share.
The next morning we made it to church via google maps. The LDS website is always overloaded on Sunday morning. We ended up at a chapel that seemed pretty quiet. We got there just as they finished passing the sacrament. We headed in to at least feel the spirit of the sacrament meeting. It was different, of course, a lady waved to me when we sat down. I took it for a friendly person. When Lia coulnd't handle any more I headed to the hall, the lady followed and asked my name. I told her and then realized who she was. We spoke a bit and I suggested a picture. She disappeared. I didn't find her again.

This trip we met some new people. I have since been pondering over those experiences. Why those people? I don't know. It was heartwarming both times. I love meeting new people. Both Greg and I like talking with people. We like hearing their story, we like learning from them.
I just have to catalog this. The chapter wanted a dutch bros run. So aliza whipped out her notebook, from her ever present back pack and started taking orders. She gets to the counter hands the surprised cashier the list and they work through the 25 custom made drinks which Aliza then labels for distribution. I LOVE IT! This is so her. And the reward of the people she is around. They can get what they want quickly, efficiently, and with little effort on their part. She learned a lot more than just the core subjects at Willowcreek, she learned how to work with people and serve them well. 

As my kids came home and shared their story they too had learned a lot about people and the new world they live in complete with social media drama. People, attitudes, habits, and problems don't' change much. But amidst storms and problems or worry and wonder there are good people too. People who make you feel better, who make you laugh, who love.

As  I studied the scriptures yesterday full of wonder about their trip and the fall our from it I was reading about Nephi and his wilderness journey. That there was much trial and adversity and that his companions would have been happy if.... sounded a lot familiar. And then on to Moses leading a group of people and how they had the light leading them day and night and yet chose to complain and to wallow in the darkness of their hearts. Oh how life is like that. God leads us with scripture, prophets, the Holy Ghost even friends and associates. We can choose to be miserable and to hold onto our fears or to allow for some laughs along with being lost.

Life is good. This weekend was a nice change of scenery.  We drove around a bit looking for the places I remembered being so magical they are run down or even not there anymore. That was sad and kind of shocking. Life changes a lot in 30 years, sometimes that's a little too real to face. Onward to new memories with new people.  It was so good to just be with Greg for a while. We both need that more often than we allow. The kids at home had a great time too. All was well. On to next year when hopefully Harold will also be getting his degree, then Aliza the next. This might become a fun tradition.

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