Monday, March 11, 2019

3.11.19 Family time

We are so ready for spring here. While we have been waiting the kids have improvised their play to accommodate for long days inside. They are master tower builders. Although this one must have had some taller hands assisting. 

Sometimes they are sleepy and cuddling up together is just right for making the ZZZ's come. Oh the fun of adjusting to new clock time. I find it easiest to rest when I snuggle up with these two too!

Proudly displaying a most recent drawing.

We came home from a late night visit with Greg's parents to find the kids had not gone to bed but instead decided to finish Your's Mine and Ours  the Lucille Ball version. They were so mesmerized they didn't notice me taking a picture. I'm seriously considering the amount of TV watching that goes on here it is an easy babysitter but I fear we are giving it too much attention and not enough to other things. But as the days get longer and warmer I'm sure we will be heading outside to conquer that world soon enough so maybe I just need to accept the different activities that come with each season.

Afton is super happy when she can hold Alia. She is getting nicer, after some stiff correction for hurting the baby and so they are getting along much better.

I spend a lot of time just like this. Reading my children's papers. I read a lot of essays. I wonder how much I should correct and how much to leave as is. I love hearing their remembrances and their opinions. It is insightful into what they value and what worked and what didn't in their minds. I spend too much time worrying about the life they are experiencing that we don't let them experience enough outside of our town. As they grow and mature they find opportunities to travel though and we support that as much as we can. Thus I need to relax and realize life is ok for them and me.

A quick picture of our weekly walk. They were so adamant to go with me but the chill wind made the walk more of an endurance than a pleasantry. Nice to get outside though. Bruce kept demanding we run. I was proud of myself for being able to accomodate his demand 2x even uphill.

A truly awesome sunset one evening. The red sun looking like lava spouting out of the mountains. We live in a beautiful world!

This lady is growing up. She is working on strengthening her core so she can sit up independently. She began purposefully grasping things last week and rolled over back to belly a few times. She is 5 months old and loves to chortle and goo at us when in the right fed rested state of being. She is quite interactive.

Life goes on. The post I share last about persecution came into full fruition last week. However I was blessed to be calm, even joyful at being persecuted. I had Aliza with me and I told her I feel like I finally belong in the Christian Club! I spoke with the administrator and the offending teacher both were good experiences. My primary goal after defending my life and choices are to share my friendship with the person. Nothing is gained in anger, and I will not be heard if I am on the attack. So I state my position listen to theirs engage in conversation and come away knowing more and hopefully pouring oil on troubled waters. I seek to follow the Savior, I love many of my fellow men. USually that comes easily for me, I think most people need to feel more loved and appreciated, I think when they are they act and do better. Life is good. I am abundantly blessed!

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