Wednesday, March 27, 2019

3.27.19 Awards Assembly

Another quarter down in this school year. The kids got a few to say the least. Reed had so many he could not hold them all, he has truly come into his own shepherded by a fantastic motivator Mrs. Robertson. I have mentioned before how she taught both me and my children I can honestly say I have appreciated her far more from the parent standpoint. It is a very sad even that she will be retiring at the completion of this school year. As I sat in the crowd listening as she shared the amount of growth so many in her class had achieved this year I watched parents beaming and heard their  repeated comments of- finally my child broke through this year! 
I am so grateful for the gift it has been to work with her.  

Likewise after a long even daily struggle with the lady in blue plaid she gained an award for best penmanship. I learned long ago it doesn't particularly matter what the recognition is just that you get recognized by your teacher with that piece of paper. Alivia also got an attendance award a first at our house as third quarter is usually marked by illness of some kind.

My happy cheering section. 8 am is an early start to the day for the ones at home especially since we have a 20 minute drive to get there. They were good groggy sports though.

Afton is my curious best friend. She loves people and is very much a child unaware of personal space or boundaries. Touching necklaces or decals. Here she is snuggling a favorite teacher Mrs. Worley. There are many opportunities to be had in life. After this awards assembly the older kids were anxiously anticipating a school dance. Instructors had come the days prior to teach them how to dance. Another great learning opportunity!

School doesn't teach everything  I want, there are things and subjects I don't love being brought up but I take responsibility to teach my kids the extra's here at home. One of my favorite parts of spring break is teaching my kids. So we dug out the history curriculum, pulled out the reading and math books and are learning away. I love the variety of school and the interaction with others as that's a major part of our mortal experience. Life is good and we are blessed.

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