Tuesday, March 12, 2019

3.12.19 Fly a kite

As we were almost to the checkout counter of walmart last week I passed a display of kites. This is a fun activity we can squeeze in between chores. The kites could also be a reward for doing some chores or reading, and they are a rare part of childhood. I bought two! I told the girls to be very careful with the packages so as to not break the delicate kite pieces. I further admonished them to be patient that their brothers would know exactly what to do with the kites. 

Some minutes were better than others for keeping the kites up, but some good teamwork flowed throughout the activity and Lia and I got some much needed fresh air.

Which is so needed after so much time inside doing this!!! Lots and lots of writing and learning. I've learned quite a few new things- how pencils were used in space, the different songs birds sing, entertainment styles in ancient Rome, etc. but honestly I'm ready for more outside and less inside soon.

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