Monday, March 11, 2019

3.13.19 Reading through the days

We like to read here I'm always excited when my kids find a new great author- I can highly recommend Clare Vanderpool, she is a superb story teller! Reed has broke through the cement barrier that was impeding his reading progress and has fallen in love with the Narnia series from C.S. Lewis. Lia got to join him for some of his reading odyssey.

Reed was pretty depressed about not meeting his reading goal for the nine weeks, but I explained to him it was far better that he was pushing his ability by reading harder books than a lot of easy books. HE didn't quite buy my reasoning so I told him to work hard finishing books this weekend and take the tests monday and see if he couldn't meet it (he was short by 7 points). He was a very quiet boy this weekend lost in his books. This is so heartwarming to me, we worked for a long time getting to this point.

Millie is a student who has a great memory. She is very gifted in the ability to remember the words from one sentence to the next. Reading is pretty easy for her. She is sure a great helper at home and finds ways to be a light of goodness to those around her. The emptying of the dishwasher is still the worst job ever in her eyes.

Lia found her fingers. We work to keep them out of her mouth but as I am highly preoccupied with other stuff she gets to taste them often. 

Harold figured out how to make the scriptures really big on the laptop. You can touch the laptop screen without it moving, making this is a great way to read with Livy. She does better with bigger words. She is also coming to trust Harold's helping her. He is patient and mostly kind with his young siblings. I read recently of a great great great great grandpa whom it was said loved to have little children around and on his lap. I think this trait has been passed down the Saunders family line as most of the men and boys don't mind and even enjoy interacting with children. I'm thankful my husband is not bothered by children, he accepts they are part of life and what makes life good.

A night of good vibes. Afton was reading with me. I read the Lucille Ball autobiography, it was so interesting. She was not at all what I thought she was, she was so much better!!! I absolutely love snuggling with my kids and reading. This may be one reason I have so many. Nursing is such a great excuse to sit and read. After the struggles to nurse Bruce efficiently I am so thankful for the ability and health to nurse Alia and bemoan the lack of books to occupy the time. I often fall prey to just reading on my phone but it does not create the same feelings of enjoyment, peace and well being. Nothing beats a well written, thoughtful, engaging, and witty book for lowering stress, alleviating anxiety, and woe.

They are buddies and truly enjoy each other. Bruce is insistent that he love Lia and she doesn't mind. She loves to watch him and be around the other kids she gets really mad after a few minutes of being left in a room alone.

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